Strong Universal Prayer for the Family and the Church | Faithful to God

As servants of the Lord we must bear in mind that our first ministry is homeour family, that is why we must always , both blood and spiritual.

Prayer to the Creator for our family and church

As family and church we must be united in Christ Jesus, just as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1,10where he exhorts to remain united in the same thinking, the same purpose, living together.

Loving God, our Father who art in heaven

in this moment and in this hour I come before you

to cry out for the church, for that church

that you will come looking for

Father, because in your word you say

that you are going to come for a church without stains

and without wrinkles, that’s why we cry out so that

churches stand together

and that you firm in yourself and in your word.

Lord, so that church can take many souls

to your presence, thank you for that wonderful church

that you prepared and taught your disciples

and to his Apostles so that they could

move on, allowing your church to grow

and be great in the whole world.

Father, it is for that church that we cry out to you at this hour

and also to keep them in unity

with the Father with the Son and with the Holy Spirit.

Father, for you to come for a big church

a church that praises you, a church that recognizes

your power, your greatness, to accept that you are

the only true God, the creator of heaven.

Lord, that church that cries before you day and night,

a church that is always in unity

who is always praying, who is always crying out,

who is always preparing for this glorious day.

Father, let us be vigilant,

so that the day you return in the clouds

to raise up your people, let us all be prepared.

I also come before you, Lord,

to cry out for the family, for you to bless

to each marriage with which You delight

in the union of a man and a woman.

Father, You allow them to come together to

form the family because you established

marriage in the garden of eden

and You gave them authority to multiply.

Lord, now You give the opportunity

for man and woman to unite

in marriage and you also say in your word

that the two will be one flesh

to serve you and beget children.

Father, give wisdom to the Parents

so that they lift up in the knowledge of your word

to all the children they procreate.

Lord, we cry out for that family in this hour

to save and protect them, allows

keep the love in the family strong

with very strong ties that do not break.

Let marriages stay together,

that can be understood and understood

so that they can mutually walk in you each day.

Father, so that your children may be bastions in you,

may they be worthy of honor in the service of your presence

and in the name of Jesus, that’s why we cry out to you

May you bless churches and families throughout the world.

Oh, God of heaven, glorify yourself in each of the families

and churches, may it be You working through your holy spirit

for them to stand firm

and strive every day to seek your presence.

Pour your anointing on each of them

and may your Holy Spirit guide them, so that

they may always remain in you.

Thank you very much, I give you at this time,

save and protect at this time

to your church and your family, Father,

In the name of Jesus we ask it.


Our ministers need us to intercede for them

Really yes, since they are also human beings and who, like everyone else, are not exempt from falling into temptationbut that is what his congregation is for to intercede with God asking him to keep them spiritually strong.

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