Prayer To Ask God For Wisdom And Understanding.

Prayer for wisdom In the verse James 1:5, we can see that the apostle tells us that if anyone lacks wisdom, they should ask God, who is the owner of wisdom. How can we do it? the answer is found in prayer, everyone who believes goes to the father and asks him, he will give him.

If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God for it, and he will give it to you, for God gives generously to everyone without belittling anyone. James 1:5

Before starting the prayer for wisdom We will see what it means; wisdom and understanding:

It is considerable to add the meaning of the term “wisdom”, with the words: “to know how”. Wisdom is based on knowledge. Wisdom and understanding are linked, wisdom cannot be without the understanding of each of the facts in accordance with some plan or purpose. God knows everything.

It is important to mention that the word “omniscient”, when speaking of the infinite understanding of God, means that he knows everything completely, He is aware of the thoughts of man (Wisdom is just wisdom, but “knowing how”. The wisdom it empowers God to “know how” to create any entity. Wisdom is a spirit that has been with God since the creation of all things, that spirit is; the holy spirit.

wisdom and understanding they allow us to differentiate good from evil, being the holy spirit the same wisdom, it is a guide that connects us to the knowledge of God; but not only from the understanding of the word of God, since many can correctly handle the scriptures under a knowledge but sometimes it is secular and not spiritual and this leads to a lack of the truths of the word of God; they know a lot about the Bible but only theoretically, without a true understanding revealed by God.

How to achieve receiving wisdom and understanding from God?

This you can achieve it knowing God in intimacy, Y praying for him to provide wisdom and understanding. Since there are no secular methods to obtain the wisdom that comes from heaven. Spiritual wisdom and understanding is totally different from wisdom and understanding in the world, it is provided by secular studies but without revelation from heaven. True wisdom is that which comes by revelation from God. Having knowledge without revelation is only knowledge, but the understanding provided by God’s revelation is what empowers and instructs in God’s statutes.

It is important then that you yearn from the heart to receive God’s wisdom so that you can walk in the right direction. God is the only one who can give you this attribute that emanates from his being.

►Next you will do the prayer for wisdom:

Prayer for wisdom

Heavenly Father on this day I declare that this prayer is made according to your word, your heart and your thoughts, at this moment I declare that my prayer is united in the power of the name of Jesus so that it reaches the throne of your grace. Father, I thank you because you send prompt answers, because your mercy is infinite.

Eternal Father I want to look more like you every day, that’s why today I come to your feet to ask you to give me your pure and perfect essence. Today I ask Lord in the powerful name of Jesus that you provide my spirit with your wisdom and understanding to be able to conceive the purpose of my days on this earth, I want to learn to walk under the wisdom of your being, to be on the path that you have established for my life.

I have faith that from today I begin to see the change in my whole being, because in your word it says: “If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God for it, and he will give it to you, because God gives generously to everyone without belittling anyone.” “I believe in the generosity and mercy of your spirit, in the name of Jesus I know that I have been of your wisdom beforehand.

In the mighty name of Jesus

Amen and amen.

This is a simple example of a “prayer” you can do it every morning, and before going to sleep. It is important that you try to flow with words that come from your heart in prayer to ask for wisdom, it is simple as you pray the holy spirit begins to give you words from heaven so that you ask according to God’s purpose. Prayer is the most powerful weapon a believer has, I invite you to continue praying. In this place you will find some examples so that you can start the prayer in a simple way, and from the heart.

You can also read: What Is Prayer And How To Develop It In Our Life<

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