Prayer for the children who are in rebellion

A mother’s prayer is the most powerful weapon that exists to generate a change in the abilities of her children. prayer for children it is the way in which you can fight against the machinations of satan, generally there is a pattern of behaviors that are acquired as the child grows as a consequence of iniquity, some are: Lack of respect for parents, and rebellion. This iniquity has been transmitted by grandparents and parents. Iniquity is the response to the manifestation of rebellion in some children and young people.

You can learn more about this topic: Iniquity The Body Of Sin.

Next you will make a prayer so that your child can be free of rebellion, first you must get right with the heavenly father before starting; Repeat the following sentence:

“Holy Spirit, today I come before you and I ask that a spirit of repentance come upon me, open my spiritual eyes to see my own iniquity, show me in dreams what my ancestors did. Lord, I confess that iniquity is affecting my life and that of my children. I recognize that I am contaminated with iniquity, and I ask you to be free to help my children.

At this moment, in the mighty name of Jesus, I renounce all iniquity of rebellion that is within my spirit, soul and body. Believing Lord that you carried all my iniquities on the cross, I appropriate that promise, to declare myself free in the mighty name of Jesus


Now you take the authority that has been delegated to you as a mother or father to say the following prayer for your children:

Prayer for children who are in rebellion

Heavenly Father at this moment I take all authority as (father or mother) of my son (The name of the child, or young person) and I consecrate him to you Lord, so that you make a transformation in him, I know that my sins have caused the rebellion of my son, but now by the power of your blood I declare that every spirit of rebellion is bound, it has no power, it has no substance, in your name, Lord, cast out all sin that has caused iniquity, in the behavior of my son.

Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus I declare that the rebellion in my son now comes out, every structure that has been formed in him now begins to be destroyed by the power of your blood, and I declare that now he is free, I declare Lord that he is now established in dwellings of light, that begins to be transformed by the power of your glory, that the original designs begin to be established in his life, I declare him a son of honor, an obedient son, a son with kingdom intelligence, a son who respects the authorities, I declare that the changes they will be notorious, understanding son, sir, begin to fill his heart with sweetness, meekness, and may the holy spirit be his guide, God mark his steps with your light, take him on the path of your purpose.

I declare, sir, that this prayer for the children that you gave me under my care is made according to your word, according to your heart and your thoughts, at this moment it joins and reaches the mighty throne of your grace. Father I thank you because you send an immediate response from heaven, at this moment in your name Lord Jesus I activate the glow of the glory of God on my children. I declare sir that wherever they go they heed the call to obedience.

I receive the authority as a mother or father to uproot and destroy everything that was gestured as satan’s plan against my children.

Now they are established under a seal, under a pact to be children according to your heart. Thank you sir, because before hand I take it for granted. because you are great and your power is overall power.

In the name of Jesus, amen.


Proverbs 22:6 Instruct a child in his way, and even when he is old he will not depart from him.

You must pray at all times for your children, and you will see the hand of God move in their lives, he is the only one who can transform, align and guide them on the right path, have faith and repeat the prayer every night, every night you ask for each area that you consider your children need to change, God only waits to hear the requests, to fulfill his promise, he wants to see your faith, trust and full security in him strengthened.

Place the lives of your children in his perfect hands and I assure you that he will do extraordinary things that you never thought before, consecrate each step of their lives so that the heavenly father seals them, to mark them in the movement of a new generation with a high understanding of his kingdom, you must instruct them under the word of God, so that their thoughts are directed in thoughts of the kingdom. God is faithful, and what you want to see in your children you will see, as long as you dedicate yourself to serving him, and deliver them to his wings so that he can do his perfect will with your children.

I invite you to also read: Prayer to start the day and rest in God.

►Recommended video: Prayer for rebellious children.

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