The 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit, what are they and what do they mean?

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are actually the 9 perceptible virtues or manifestations that God is working in the life and heart of a person.

In the first place, it is necessary to clarify that, what is known as the fruits of the Holy Spirit, actually refers to only one, according to the Bible Reina Valera 1960 version, in the letter to the Galatians chapter 5 verses 22 and 23 literally the text says in the singular:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is (…)”

Which implies that although there are several manifestations, they are a single direct consequence of the presence of God in the life of every Christian, that is, of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

However, because they manifest themselves in different ways, they are commonly called “fruits” in the plural, although they are actually, according to scripture, a fruit with different results.

Having said this, what is commonly known as the “Fruits of the Holy Spirit” are named and described below. The quoted Galatians text continues with the following 9 virtues that a Christian should manifest as evidence of fruit in his life.

1. Love; the first fruit of the Holy Spirit

The first is “Love”the word love in this text is the translation of the Greek word Agape which is one of the types of love in the bible and which in turn means affected either benevolence; specifically (plural) love feast: according to the Strong’s Bible Dictionary and it is a sincere attitude that seeks the well-being of others above personal interests.

The word Agape, unlike others that are also translated as love in Spanish, is a attribute Therefore, communicable from God is a characteristic that makes us essentially participants in the divine nature, that is, children of God. It is from this divine love that all other fruits derive.

2. Joy

Then the Bible talks about “Joy”which more than a feeling denotes an attitude of supreme confidence and intrinsic joy based on God’s faithfulness, on what He is, and on His benevolence, meditating on his person offers the believer the security that God is always in control .

God is still there in the midst of any adversity, and regardless of the circumstances, he always has enough reasons to be grateful and stay joyful.

What does the joy of the fruits of the Holy Spirit mean?

When a person feels internal satisfaction, which is present even in moments of great sorrow, it can be said that he is joyful. But joy does not appear at birth, but rather It is one of the fruits granted by the Holy Spirit to those who have opened the doors of their hearts by accepting Christ.

▷You can also read: 4 Types of Love According to the Bible | Eros, Storge, Philia And Agape Love▷

That is why, the joy of the fruits means that feeling of fullness, fullness and grace for serving God, for being well with him and for feeling honored to follow him without conditions, even when we have reasons to suffer or be wrong.

What is the difference between joy and happiness?

Happiness is a feeling that is conditioned to the subjective and that is not tied to what is right in the eyes of God. For that reason, there are people who do bad deeds, deceive others, and indulge in sin, which can bring you temporary happiness.

However, Joy cannot be tied to our carnal desires. this is rather an internal, spiritual, mental and emotional sensation of being filled with the Holy Spirit. When we are joyful, we expect good from the Most High and this is a permanent feeling, as long as you keep the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

How does joy manifest itself in the human being?

A person can express their joy through their features, with a smile and a feeling of fulfillment. But also through good works, because when we are happy we dare to forget about the bad, however strong it may seem.

3. Peace

The following consequence of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is peace”, now, this is a quality that is not subject to circumstances either, it is a peace different from what the world gives, just as Jesus pointed out while he walked among us.

“Peace I leave you, my peace I give you; I do not give it to you as the world gives it. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor be afraid” John 14:27.

It is a peace uniquely given by God through the Holy Spirit, a peace that is based on the fidelity of his love and care as the apostle Paul also expressed Philippians 4:7, it is a peace that surpasses all understanding capable of faithfully keeping our hearts and thoughts on God.

A peace that is the product of a constant contemplation of our circumstances from God’s perspective and not from a human perspective.

Says one of many promises that we find in the Bible:

“… you (God) will keep in complete peace him whose mind is stayed on you; because he in you he has trusted ”. Isaiah 26:3.

4. Patience

The next virtue is “Patience”which implies the capacity to suffer adverse circumstances, waiting calmly, voluntarily, and not out of mere necessity, without murmuring or complaining, but with full confidence that God is working in the midst of the circumstances, and that he knows what he is doing and what is best for each of his children according to his purpose.

Regarding this, the sacred scripture says:

“We know that God works all things for the good of those who love him, whom he has called according to his purpose.” John 8:28

The patience that the Holy Spirit gives is based precisely on maintaining the confidence of knowing that everything helps us for the good.

5. Kindness

The fifth virtue fruit of the Spirit is “Kindness”and expresses the condescension of the divine judge before a circumstance that demands judgment, in us, comes to be the ability to be merciful, even with those who have committed some wrong against us.

It is to manage to be benign and seek the good especially of those who apparently do not deserve such benevolence.

Lhe bible tells us in colossians 3:12 that we must “put on” kindness and meekness which is extremely important, let’s remember that God is kind by natureand it is his benignity that guides us to repentance, when we realize that he has not paid us what our actions deserve, but instead gives us new life opportunities every day.

What is the benignity of the Holy Spirit?

Based on the above, Benignity can be identified as a fruit of the Holy Spirit granted by the mercy and justice of a Supreme God, who has the power and is the only one who can judge those who harm us.

This fruit is within those who are meek and learn to forgive, even to those who have done actions that we can consider as “unforgivable”. We leave the burden to God and it will be he who decides, while we must forget granting forgiveness with benignity.

6. Kindness

The sixth special quality fruit of the Holy Spirit is “Goodness”the dictionary describes kindness as the quality of being good, the inclination to do good and to behave virtuously, it is closely linked to benignity, since it is in simple terms its constant application.

Ephesians 5:9 further tells us that the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth.

Kindness is therefore an indispensable quality of Christians who walk in the spirit of God and are guided by him.

7. Faith

The seventh and very important quality fruit of the Spirit is “Faith”the bible clearly speaks that faith is the certainty of what is expected and the conviction of what is not seen according to Hebrews 11:1, and also that without faith it is impossible to please God. It literally says:

“But without faith it is impossible to please God; because it is necessary that the one who approaches God believes that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

The word rewarding means that God rewards, blesses, helps and prospers those who sincerely seek him and believe in him.Nothing can be achieved without faith, without having it and maintaining it, since it is the ability to believe that our actions will produce a result and that this same result will be beneficial and positive.

8. Meekness

The penultimate virtue mentioned in Galatians is “Meekness.” The Bible talks about meekness stopping great offenses in Ecclesiastes 10:4, meekness is therefore the special capacity that a person has to model anger and its disordered effects on himself and on the environment.

In other words, it is an intelligent way of avoiding any resentment or violent action for the behavior of others, or for any unpleasant circumstance, leaving aside irritability and revenge, to give way to a more assertive attitude, and in accordance with the moment. lived, in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus speaks of the meek being blessed, for they will receive the earth as an inheritance (Matthew 5:5).

Also in Matthew 11:29 the Lord Jesus admonishes us to imitate his meekness. He says:

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls.”

In this context the word yoke implies a burden, and what Jesus is telling us is that we imitate his meekness and willingly receive his statutes, orders and commandments in this way literally “He” will give rest to our souls.

9. Temperance

Last virtue and not for that reason less important is the “Temperance”which consists of the moderation of appetites and pleasures to seek a balance, which allows the most optimal use of the goods available to the person.

Temperance people do not give in to external pressures, especially if these go against their values ​​and beliefs. Temperance people maintain rectitude in their actions and conduct despite what this may mean for their reputation.

Temperance is vital for the fulfillment of objectives and goals, since it ensures the control of the will over instincts and keeps desires within the limits of honesty, which avoids unnecessary distractions and improves performance in all senses.

Each of these virtues fruit of the Holy Spirit is related to each other in such a way that whoever lives in communion with the Holy Spirit of God, he must manifest these qualities conspicuously and constantly in one way or another. Let us remember that the scripture says:

Because each tree is known by its fruit; for figs are not harvested from thorns, nor are grapes harvested from brambles. Luke 6:44.

What is meekness and temperance?

Before temperance, in Galatians meekness is mentioned as part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. and this is the abstention and suppression of feelings of anger, rage, revenge, resentment and everything that may cause as a consequence.

That’s why, a person with temperance is able to master the impulses of anger because his heart is meek, kind and has learned to forgive, because God is the one who has the power to judge and not us.

Matthew 11:29 and 30 He explains a little about meekness when Jesus says “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am meek and…

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