? Prayer Against Coronavirus God Help Us Against the Pandemic! – Faithful to God

The corona virus is an evil that is currently affecting the entire world at this time. Not only causing us an illness but also awakening our deepest fears of death and making us fall into despair against the uncertainty that life holds for us. The prayer against coronavirus It not only seeks health for cured people, but also protection against contagion and a word of encouragement for all countries, which need it so much.

God will never leave us alone and this fight against evil will surely win, because everything has a specific purpose even in the worst terms. Really, if we look at the good side of everything, the countries are not distinguishing between social class, nationalities, skin color, they are helping each other. We have at our disposal prayer of protection for .

Powerful prayer that will fight against the Coronavirus with great faith

Likewise, we must make God see our main needs and for this it is the prayer against Coronavirus, You have been able to see that the power of prayer for healing has been much more powerful than science itself. Believers do not need to go out to praise God in a church, because he is in each one of our hearts. By this I mean that you can pray from home without any inconvenience and have a sincere talk with God so that his strength and his mercy may always be with us.

Almighty I come to ask you for your mediation on earth,

To obtain love and healing for the world.

We are going through a difficult time due to a Pandemic.

You need your protective and powerful hands.

I thank you for all the blessings.

But I must also ask your forgiveness for my sins.

You can hug me and feel my concern about not being with my family.

That’s why I ask you to heal them and have them under your infinite mercy.

Lord please I ask for the healthy sick to be able to stay.

We all do not have the necessary resources,

To buy the medicines that we need.

This is nothing more than a sign to improve our spirit and strengthen our faith in you.

With this great test.

Shelter us in your arms to make my fears and anxieties more bearable.

Teach me to cope with the road in the best way,

To have faith in waiting for your reply.

You can heal the world if you wish, do not let evil win this battle.

All beloved Lord, we are ready to give the battle,

For the only weapon we have and it is faith in prayer.

Let’s raise our hands and hearts to heaven.

So that with the same force that we ask for help,

This is fast and consistent in arriving.

There are many people who have already departed from this world,

And their relatives still don’t understand.

Accompany these families in their pain by giving them strength.

Don’t take any other brother.

Thank you Lord for this opportunity.

for listening to me and not forsaking me at any time.

You are the King of Kings, the greatest of all.


Not to mention that when we use the word of God to seek strength, we get it. Although many illnesses do not have vaccines or medicines, prayer is the most powerful medicine that any sick person needs.

For a long time we also learned that through repentance we get to cleanse our sins and this praises God by giving us a new chance at life. Fear will disappear from our hearts because our Lord will see to it that this is so because we are his children and he definitely loves us.

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