Effective Prayer of the Magnificent Upside Down for Protection Against Enemies – Faithful to God

In relation to fight and avoid internal conflict that can generate always having a negative, toxic person close to you and who does not wish you well with what does it mean. As will be mentioned in this post, it is the perfect opportunity to supplicate and apply a prayer written in Latin. Magnificent’s effective reverse protection to enemies, what’s that for?

Probably the divine choice, suitable for wishing you or any members of your family, the solution to them is the prayer of the Magnificent, which means many things. However, now is the time for you to have the patience to entrust yourself to her and that she always protects you with love. What does that work for? So that you are well and with soul health. This is like a ritual of Christianity, so you have to try to remove any witchcraft you have.

What is the prayer of the Magnificent for?

There are many saints today in our church, but each one intercedes for us on a different matter, since that is their role. What is prayer for? This helps us to have interaction with the holy saying that will grant us the favor that we want so much. That is why the Magnificent one was created, several people believe and have a lot of faith in these phrases.

It is said that you have to say in the evening hours, they have more effectiveness that way. She is an official of the church, so you can place her with all devotion, do it calmly and quietly. So that way you can better connect with the saint. Remember to thank her if she grants you her favor, this is very important so that she can continue paying attention to you.

The Magnificent’s prayer written backwards for enemies

Consequently, to live a happy life, with love and fill yourself with positive people, the first thing is fix with a divine aura prayer of the Magnificent for the protection of the soul written in Latin, for Christianity that keeps you away from all the people who have little desire for your progress What does that work for? The truth is complicated to execute what it means in the Catholic Church, but if you do it your life will change for the better:

Beloved Divine Mother Virgin Mary,

dignified and noble in all its splendor.

I want this time

dedicate that prayer to the Magnificent

for protection.

In the first place, after so much I feel necessary,

entrust this prayer to you.

Now instead of progressing,

Apparently my life is going backwards.

Surely something is up

and not to alarm the situation more than necessary.

I implore your intercession,

the power that emanates from your aura,

to the faithful believers of you

and the word of God and the Magnificent.

At the same time evade me,

people who do not want good.

Of course, I don’t wish ill on them.

Everyone lives their life as they please

and I just want to continue.

Face that life project that you have for me,

above all, to achieve personal success

and that ability you gave me to be a noble person.

Unlike before,

after so much, now I feel the heaviness in my shoulders.

Curious I feel like a burden,

I fulfill my daily activities.

I eat,

As well and apart every day I grow professional.

Regarding what they want from me,

use your devotion to purge it.

Your strength is unique, I know

With all your power by my side I have the strength to continue

and never let myself be made to lose my focus.

On the contrary, to my enemies,

I do wish them well.

I wish you that

because without they are able to place me

some kind of witchcraft,

I’m just empathic for his life

and know what they are going through

a delicate moment.

Many go through this and instead of doing

charge of his life, in the same way as oneself.

What they do is wish for things that don’t make any kind of sense.

Virgin the Magnificent of protection

finally, after so long.

Your beloved follower entrusts herself to you,

It’s never too late to start and less to believe.

God the Father taught us this.

His message was one of a high level of trust,

faith and hope.

On the one hand, I will always apologize to you.

When I fail I know that you will be there for me

but I must behave.

On the other hand, I will try not to finalize,

the relationship with that person.

I’ll do my best

to show you that I am to them Magnificat.

Able they think that I do not commit,

to work or to value friendship.

Of course I value all my friendships enormously.

However, something happens if they wish me harm.

I use this prayer as effective prayer of the Magnificent

reverse protection for enemies.

Beloved Protector with faith,

Always protect me at all times and situations.

Supreme Father,

allow my beautiful Virgin to act

and always have virtue at your fingertips,

to forgive those who wish evil.


What requests can we make with the prayer of the Magnificent?

When you make supplications to the saints of the Catholic Church, that is, to those of Christianity, you will surely ask yourself, what is that for? It turns out that this protection or the beloved divine mother Virgin Mary has many contributions, in terms of intercession it can help you face illnesses, conflicts or different types of dangers that they can come into your life. Therefore, after so much and knowing this type of information, it is worth asking through this effective prayer of the Magnificent in reverse to combat enemies with a church ritual in Latin.

Avoid all kinds of conflict that do not nourish you and much less that do not bring you anything positive, never allow this in your circle of friends, because what is the Magnificent for or what does it mean?

You have to pray this prayer to the beloved divine mother Virgin Mary of the Catholic Church, it is like a ritual of the soul, but if you do it with love it will remove all witchcraft you have. Faith is also something very outstanding, place the Magnificat among one of your favorites.

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