Powerful and miraculous prayer to the Holy Spirit to ask for urgent help – Faithful to God

Powerful prayer to the Spirit of God for help. On many occasions in our lives, a situation arises when we need urgent help, and we need divine intervention. For which we cry out to God asking for help, and faith in the Holy Spirit for help or asking for wisdom. So that intercede for us to God the father as a heavenly and divine figure that it is. Because the Spirit of light is just and his power will help you throughout your life.

Strong prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for help

Situations will always attack our faith; but the Holy Spirit, with power and firmness, will intercede for us, on our problems, as a heavenly and divine being. That is why we always pray for wisdom to face everything to come. Through this prayer you can be helped by the power of the Spirit of God, who always helps you.

Oh God intercede for us through,

of your Holy Spirit. I cry to you for help.

I pray to you as a being of light and mercy,

and with all faith, I ask you to listen to my

petition; I beg you with all my belief.

Towards you, as a helper, as a being of divine

mercy, help me to feel peace;

Why many circumstances have come

to my life to mistreat me. comforting Spirit of God

I ask for power to help me through

my pray. Because your power is great;

and your mercy permeates me.

Oh being of life, I ask you how to be a comforter and

justice, intervene in this circumstance as helper

Because in you we get our

requests, because you are a being who understands and

he is always with us.

I also pray to you asking for wisdom,

forever make the decision

in my life.

Oh being of divine hope, I cry with

strength and with full conviction that in

this moment you are interceding for me

supplication and comfort me.

The request, which I make with all conviction,

because you are the being of the trinity. and you will hear my

clamor. Your kindness embraces my heart, my

mind, soul and strength.

I cry out to you as an inexhaustible source,

mercy to your servants. you do not underestimate

sincere requests, except for those who

they believe you

Just as you comfort, through

answers; comfort my soul and my heart.

Embrace mercy, my life, it overflows

my soul of your clemency, of your peace

inexhaustible; you are the being that can

change my whole life and all my problems.

Because your grace persecutes me in great

way. Change from this state in which I

meeting. Give me strength, so

as you gave my Lord Jesus.

I cry loudly, because

I need urgent help from you. I ask you

because you help the needy

in the midst of its vicissitudes and

asking wisdom for them.

Help me in the midst of many problems,

facing my life.

Oh Holy Father, I cry out with all hope,

faith, and confidence that you are good at

great way.

My heart fervently prays

through of my prayers.

I beg you, I ask for mercy, and I beg with

total faith, that you calm all my fears.

Help your servant, because I need you

power and mercy.

oh help me on my problem.

Constantly, because my weaknesses

they are big and my problems are strong; but

you are stronger than all problems,

you do not underestimate the request

of sincere cries.

So God will grant me everything

longs my heart, because the mediator,

Help me. Because, I have faith in God.

I return to you, oh spirit of God and grant my

request, in advance, I thank you with everything

my heart and soul, because you are a just Spirit,

in great way. And your mercy pursues your servant.

I praise you, because I am convinced

that you fulfill my request, thank you

for having compassion on this heart troubled.

Praise receive because you are good;

and forever your mercy.


In the bible, in the book of Psalms 91, King David cried out to God asking for help and asking for wisdom. But above all, for protection in his life and it is that asking for help is not wrong. Since the Lord is always attentive to our pleas. Therefore, if you are asking for help or asking for wisdom, he only prays to God and he will answer you.

The Holy Spirit of God will always be willing to help us in whatever we ask, let us remember that the Lord has left it for protection to our soul. Also, for him to be our mediator, as reflected in the Psalms. So, if we are asking the Holy Spirit of God for help or wisdom, he will also intercede and give an answer. In addition, everything goes in the belief that we have towards him or if we practice Christianity like Armando Alducin.

This named character is one of the writers who always regency how to ask God and the Holy Spirit for help. Also, he has done numerous studies on Psalm 91 and gives a better interpretation. Besides, with the teachings of Armando Alducin you can figure out if you are asking for help or asking for wisdom the right way. So, increase your belief in the Holy Spirit.

Pray to the Holy Spirit for urgent help

The Holy Spirit of God will give you peace and offer you timely response to that urgent helpJust have faith in every sentence. And he will fulfill all requests because he listens to prayers when they are with faith or security and asking for help is not too much.

Remember that the Holy Spirit of God is the mediator or intercessor, for which he is going to intercede for all the requests you long for. When your heart is given in each prayer, he will listen to you and you have to remember that he delights in faith.

Therefore, always cry out for help or for wisdom when you need it and you will receive prompt response. In addition, Christianity allows us to get much closer to God. Therefore, he will be the one who gives us protection and much more.

And if you want to confirm what was said, you can look at Psalms 91, where King David prayed to the Lord asking for wisdom and asking for help. There you will also find promises from God that will make you continue to believe in him.

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