Let us pray together the Novena to Saint Pius of Pietrelcina

1 – O my Jesus, who said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be given to you!”, behold, I knock, I seek and I ask for grace.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust and wait in you!

2 – O my Jesus, who said: “Truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of my Father, in my name, I will grant it to you!”, behold, of Your Father, in Your name, I ask for grace .

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust and wait in you!

3 – O my Jesus, who said: “Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away!”, behold, supported by the infallibility of Your holy words, I ask You for grace.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust and hope in You!

Prayer: O, for whom only one thing is impossible, that is, not to have compassion on the unfortunate, have mercy on us, miserable sinners, and grant us the graces that we ask of You through the Immaculate Heart of Yours and our tender Mother. Saint Joseph, Friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Pray the Hail Queen.

Novena to Saint Pius of Pietrelcina

First day

Beloved Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, who bore in your body the signs of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you who carried the cross for all of us, enduring the physical and moral suffering that plagued the soul and body in continuous martyrdom, intercede with God, so that each one of us knows how to accept the small and large crosses of life, transforming each suffering into a secure bond that connects us to eternal life.

“It is worth getting used to suffering, which Jesus will be pleased to send you. The Lord, who cannot suffer to keep you in distress, will come to prompt you and comfort you by infusing you with new courage.”

Pray to the Crown of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Second day

Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, who together with Our Lord Jesus Christ knew how to resist the temptations of the evil one, who suffered the blows and vexations of the demons who wanted to make you abandon your path of holiness, intercede with the Most High, so that We too, with your help, may find the strength to renounce sin and preserve it until the day of our death.

“Take courage and do not fear the dark wrath of Lucifer. Remember this forever: ‘It is a good sign when the enemy makes noise and roars around your will, since it shows that he is not within.’”

Third day

Virtuous Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, who loved the Heavenly Mother so much that she received daily graces and consolations, intercede for us with the Holy Virgin, placing our sins and our cold prayers into your hands, so that, just as in Cana of Galilee, the Son says ‘yes’ to , and our name is written in the book of life.

“Mary, be the star that clears your path, shows you the safe way to go to the Heavenly Father; let it be like an anchor to which you must always cling more closely in times of testing.”

Fourth day

Chaste Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, who loved you so much, who guided you, defended you and was your messenger, to you the angelic figures brought the prayers of your spiritual children. Intercede with the Lord, so that we too may learn to use our Guardian Angel, who throughout our lives is ready to suggest the path of good and dissuade us from doing evil.

“Call on your Guardian Angel, he will illuminate and guide you. The Lord placed him near you precisely for this purpose. So use it.”

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Fifth day

Prudent Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, who had a great devotion to the souls in purgatory, for whom you offered yourself as an expiatory victim, pray to the Lord to instill in us the feeling of compassion and love that you had for them, so that that we can also reduce their time in exile, seeking to gain for them, with sacrifices and prayers, the holy indulgences that are necessary for them.

“I beseech You, Lord, to pour out upon me the punishments prepared for sinners and the souls in purgatory; multiply them in the same way upon me, as long as you convert and save sinners and quickly free the souls from purgatory.”

Sixth day

Obedient Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, you loved the sick more than yourself, seeing Jesus in them. You, who in the name of the Lord, performed miracles of healing in the body, restoring hope of life and renewal in the Spirit, pray to the Lord, so that all the sick, through the Holy Mary, may experience your powerful patronage and, through bodily healing, they can take spiritual advantages to thank the Lord and praise Him eternally.

“If I later know that a person is afflicted, whether in soul or body, what would I not do with the Lord to see them free from their ills? I would gladly carry myself to see you saved from all your afflictions, giving up, in your favor, the fruits of such sufferings, if the Lord allowed me.”

Seventh day

Blessed Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, you who adhered to the Lord’s salvation project, offering your sufferings to disconnect sinners from Satan’s bonds, intercede with God, so that those who do not believe may have faith and be converted. Sinners must repent from the bottom of their hearts, the lukewarm must be fervent in their Christian life and the righteous must persevere in the path of .

“If the poor soul could see the beauty of the soul in grace, all sins, all unbelievers would be converted at once.”

Eighth day

Pure Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, who loved your people so much, many of whom you conquered Christ at the price of your blood, grant also to us who do not know you personally, to consider your spiritual children, so that with your paternal protection, with your holy guide, and with the strength that you will obtain from the Lord for us, we will be able, at the moment of death, to find you at the gates of Paradise awaiting our arrival.

“If it were possible for me, I would want to obtain only one thing from the Lord: I would want him to say to me ‘Go to Paradise’, I would want to obtain that grace. ‘Lord, do not let me go to Paradise until the last of my children, the last of the people entrusted to my priestly care, has entered before me’”.

Ninth day

Humble Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who loved Holy Mother Church so much, intercede with the Lord, so that he may send workers into his harvest and give each one of them the strength and inspiration of the children of God. We ask you, furthermore, to intercede with the Virgin Mary, so that she may guide men towards the unity of men, collecting them in a single great house, which will be the beacon of salvation in the stormy sea that is the life.

“Always remain clinging to , because only it can give you true peace, because only it possesses Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the true Prince of Peace.”

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