(Outline: Jesus was resurrected). Preach. Introduction: The resurrection is the foundation of our faith, Christ was resurrected and is at the right hand of the Father and will return for his church, and the Bible also says “we will be with the Lord forever”.

Many difficult situations can make the believer think that God has forsaken him, but in reality the heavenly Father never took his eyes off Jesus, in the same way God never neglects any of his children. Jesus is alive he rose…

1) Some realities make hope faint, Luke 24:13-20.
a) Sadness appears when we cannot see Jesus, Luke 24:15-17.
The reality was that Jesus had died, he was no longer with them and this had saddened and discouraged all the disciples. It is very interesting to see that Jesus was walking with them, but they could not see him as such. They had forgotten the promises of the resurrection that the Lord himself had made to them.
b) Discouragement sets in when we conclude that we have failed, verse 21.

Note: They take for granted that everything has been a failure, with thoughts like: “we hoped… we believed that he was the redeemer of Israel”, “we had hope but…” and three days have passed and nothing has happened, discouragement appears when time passes and the results we expected do not occur.

two) Jesus’ disciples must remember and trust his promises.
a) Let’s get rid of unbelief from our hearts, Luke 24: 22-25.
Note: Unbelief is an enemy of the power of God, faith is the atmosphere where the Lord manifests himself, faith promotes divine action, that is why Jesus told Marta: “I have not told you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God ?”.

Discouragement is the result of a crisis of faith, where it has not won. It is necessary to remember that the cross precedes the glory, verse 26 (a principle that was difficult for the disciples to understand).
b) We need to turn to the Word of God and restore fellowship with the Lord, verse 27.

The devotional life strengthens us in the face of crises of faith, it gives us victory when our faith is tested, they had forgotten what the Scripture said, they had forgotten what Jesus had told them. Discouragement produces biblical amnesia in the Christian, because he forgets the promises of God; and we see the Master’s patience in teaching his truths to his disciples.

3) Jesus restored the hearts of his disciples.
a) Jesus accompanied them, Luke 24:15.
We see God in this continuous work, seeking man from the beginning. We see God looking for Adam, looking for Cain, Abraham, Israel, Jesus descends looking for the sinner, here Jesus approaching his discouraged disciples and “walked with them”, and he calls us every day to walk with him.

Jesus wants to walk with us, as Enoch walked with God, and God was so pleased with Enoch’s company that the Bible says: “So Enoch walked with God, and disappeared, because God took him.” Gen 5:24. God help us to long to walk with him, as he longs to walk with us.
b) Jesus listened to the condition of their hearts.

Note: Faced with Jesus’ questions, they tell him the reasons for their sadness and disappointment, and he patiently listens, this is essential to restore the strength of the heart.

c) Jesus blessed them with his presence, Luke 24:28-31.
Note: Little by little His presence restored their discouraged hearts, and in an intimate moment (dinner), their eyes were opened and they saw that it was the Lord. Do not stop walking with the Lord even if you do not understand certain things, because as a result of your intimacy with God, he will open your eyes and allow you to see and understand what he has done and what he is doing.
d) Jesus restored hope to their hearts, Luke 24:33-35.
Note: What a tremendous change, the disciples were sad, discouraged, wanting to go to sleep because “it was getting late and the day had declined”, but this experience with the risen Jesus transformed their vision, as it says:

“rising up at the same hour…” beginning the night they traveled back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples that they had seen Jesus. Imagine how they told it.

Their hope had been reborn, the Jesus movement had not ended, only a new stage had begun, now the church of Christ would be born on earth and they would be God’s instruments to bring the gospel of the Kingdom throughout the known world.
Conclusion: The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the column of our faith, and the greatest victory over the devil and over death. When Jesus rises, he confirms that he is the One who can give life to everyone who approaches his presence with a meek and humble heart. Jesus is alive, he is risen.
(Written by Pastor Gonzalo Sanabria)

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