How to pray Correctly “Prayer to the Just Judge, if they have eyes” – Faithful to God

The prayer for the Just Judge “If they have eyes”, is an essential element to face current life. However, this is not what stands out the most, but more than a prayer, it is a message that we can take and structure individually. It is not an inflexible sentence, anyone can give it the focus they want, you just need to know what it is about and start.

The central question of this article is the following: How can we make the prayer to the Just Judge “If they have eyes”, if it is subject to our will when reciting it? What you should know is that it is a sentence like any other and therefore follow the same guidelines. If you know , you will know how to proceed in this case.

If they have eyes that don’t see me, miraculous protection prayer

We have already given you the main data and information necessary for this sentence, but we have not yet explored the goal we seek with it. Without knowing what this prayer grants us, we will not be able to begin to carry it out. So therefore, we will discuss why we pray to the Righteous Judge and why the prayer is called as such.

  • We must initially know who is the Just Judge. This character that we have surely heard of is Jesus Christ. But why is it called that? Well, it turns out that a couple of stories when he was brought before Pontius Pilate, have given him this name. It is a dedication to which millions resort today.
  • Mainly we pray to Christ Just Judge, to cover us and protect us from those who want to harm us, that any desire, curse or act that will harm us, be diverted.
  • So, from this, we can already get an idea of ​​what this phrase means “If they have eyes they can’t see me. It is simply a request for protection, so that the eyes of our enemies lose sight of us, that their lewd intentions do not affect us and that their attention is simply diverted to something else.
  • It is an extremely miraculous prayer and we must approach it in such a way that we ask for protection, but above all, reconciliation. We will have the goal that no one judge us and wants to pass over us, but we must also want that person we believe, wants our bad, finds love in his soul and accepts being our brother.

What should include our prayer to the Just Judge?

Do not be alarmed, previously in , we have already said that a sentence should not be governed by strict rules, it will always be better that everything comes naturally. Imagine that you are talking to a loved one, someone in your family whom you love and respect very much. That’s what it’s all about, the Lord is our Father and we have to talk to him, that’s praying. The same happens with Jesus, who is God made man and we must address him in the same way. It’s all about having respect and love in the words expressed.

Our prayer to the Just Judge should be characterized by the fulfillment of , but we focus on one: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Knowing that the order of ideas on which the prayers to this invocation of Jesus are based, is the protection against enemies, this divine norm is very important. By this we mean that we cannot intend evil for the person who attacks us in one way or another. Previously we said it, among our objectives must be, to make peace.

Finally, it is necessary to say that if you have already performed other prayers, if you are a practicing believer, these applications will not be difficult for you. Only Let yourself be carried away by love and by the Holy Spirit.

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