What is the use of praying to the Just Judge? – Faithful to God

My brother, praying to the Just Judge is a constant recommendation that we hear from others. Many argue that it is the best option that is presented as an aid tool for a myriad of things. However, sometimes we do not dare to make sentences to him, because we do not have a clear idea of ​​who he is, so we could not structure words or clearly address this character.

In this article you will know who the Just Judge is, if you do not know it and we will also provide you with much more information that you will take advantage of. You will know what is the use of praying to the Just Judge and you will be convinced that you must do it often. We are here to make you know the word, but also to resolve and that your path to the Lord be as straight as possible, without obstacles.

Who is this character?

We cannot move forward without first knowing who is the Just Judge. As you must have guessed by now, it’s about Jesus. El Salvador has earned this qualification for a couple of situations when he was brought before Pontius Pilate. Of course it is difficult to focus only on them, since Christ was always a righteous person. As for the judge, even though we normally know him as our lawyer, if we combine the two words (Just Judge) events like those of the woman caught in adultery that Jesus defended come to mind.

Why should we pray to the Just Judge?

A very frequent doubt lies in the following question: Why do I have to pray to the name of the Just Judge and not to Jesus Christ directly? And it is a very valid question. As we know, the Virgin Mary has several and each of them can be asked for different things and in different circumstances, dand the Just Judge acts in the same way. We can ask Jesus for anything, interceding for us, he will grant us what we ask for (if it is a pure request).

In the case of the Just Judge, the requests are a little more specific, since he can be asked for anything, but in an order of ideas that leads to some protection. However, let us remember that there are no limits to the heavenly and God’s power and many people tend to ask the Just Judge to judge their lives characterized by the cleanliness of the soul and purity, for which they implore a miracle as a reward.

Benefits of praying to this invocation of Jesus

It is impossible to classify and list the benefits of praying, even if it is praying to someone in particular who works in a specific way. However, we will try to give you certain details and contributions that they will be useful to you, because you will know how to address a prayer to him; As we said at the beginning, you will not doubt that you should always do it.

  • Jesus was always a merciful being, he was nothing more and nothing less than the son of God, but this did not mean much in terms of creating feelings of superiority. Christ saw himself and considered himself equal to all of us. And this was a pillar of his teachings, as he said that none of us on this plane, not even him, could judge, only the Almighty could.
  • More than one occasion he found sinners and many would have thought that being the Father’s envoy, he would be dispensing “divine justice”, but no. The Messiah forgave everyone and taught the importance of forgiveness, second chances, and all of this could lead to change.
  • In conclusion, praying to the Just Judge, mainly, will benefit us by protecting us from anyone who tries to harm us, who tries to judge us or make us feel inferior. We are subject only to the divine Law, no man is above us, because we are all equal in the eyes of the Creator.
  • In addition, we can ask the Just Judge to observe our being, our spirit and everything concerning us. If we are failing in something, he will help us to achieve a change. Let us remember that we are all sinners, the difference is in whether we do something to redeem ourselves and praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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