How to Achieve Inner Healing: 7 Keys to Obtain It

This is one of the most vital and important areas of deliverance ministry that we cannot overlook. While it is important to cast out demons, it is just as important, if not more important, to minister to emotional wounds. Emotional wounds are one of the most common reasons releases may fail or seem to keep coming back and becoming habitable within the person. It is an absolute necessity that we learn about emotional wounds and how to identify them in order to receive Inner health and release of the Holy Spirit.

Our goal is not to forget a hurtful event or trauma. But to receive a healing for that event, where the Holy Spirit takes the sting out of him. When we look back at a healed wound, we can see it in a different way, because it has been healed and it is no longer painful to look back.

How to identify emotional wounds

The first thing we have to do is identify the problem, and realize the need to heal inside. Below is a list of common symptoms to look out for if we have an emotional wound:

inner rawness: there is often a feeling of inner rawness and pain that does not seem to go away.

Irritability: It’s easy to get irritated with others, even if they’re not doing anything wrong!

little or no tolerance: There is a problem of low tolerance with others, where you expect and demand from them.

Feelings that always rise: feelings of anger, hate, resentment, etc. they seem to “rise” within you at the slightest offense from others.

Overly sensitive about an event in your past: If there are events in your past that cause you to become very sensitive or angry, or even angry, then it is likely to reveal a deep emotional wound tied to that event or memory.

Difficulty to forgive: It is very difficult for you to love and therefore forgive others. It can also be difficult to forgive and love yourself. It can even be hard to forgive and love God.

It’s hard to feel loved: It is difficult to see clearly and realize the love of others and of God in your life. You may be surrounded by people who love you, but it can be difficult to fully feel and receive that love. It seems that there is a wall blocking the flow of love in your life.

Lashing: When there is an internal wound that has been corrupted, it is easy to panic or have sudden outbursts of anger, hatred, resentment. It may be easy for you to lash out at people who love you and have not hurt you.

Angry feelings toward God: When a person has been hurt, it is easy to blame God for their problems and difficulties. He spiritually puts up a wall in his mind that can block the healing power of the Holy Spirit from operating. Although he wishes to heal your wound, he will not override your free will, and if you hold the hatred in your heart against him, it may block his efforts to heal your wounds.

Self hate: Many times when a person is hurt by past abuse, they will begin to think that perhaps what happened to them was deserved because of something they did or the way they were.

feeling frustrated Easily: Due to the internal turmoil that an internal wound causes, it is easy to become easily frustrated with daily tasks and responsibilities.

escapism: As a result of internal turmoil, it is easy to want to escape or suppress reality. This can be in the form of overeating, drinking, smoking, porn, spending. When a person indulges in escapism, addictions can form and open the door to addictive spirits, making addictions virtually impossible to break.

Urges of revenge: Because of the accumulated hatred and anger as a result of unforgiveness, it will be easy for someone with a festering internal wound to retaliate or respond to those who offend or stand on their toes.

irresponsible behavior: Inner pain has a way of consuming a person’s mind, and eventually this can take a careless approach to life. It’s hard to feel good about yourself if you have an internal wound, and if you don’t feel good about yourself, it will start to show in your lifestyle.

Irrational expectations of others: Someone who has been hurt may have high expectations for those around them. They believe that unrealistic standards must be upheld by others and are highly intolerant of any mistakes that are made. They have a hard time putting up with one another as the Bible tells us (see Colossians 3:13).

perfectionism: A person who is emotionally wounded can also be performance driven. Maybe they felt that no matter what they did, they could never please a parent or authority figure, and later in life, that rejection wound makes the person a performer to the point where they are never satisfied and burnt out. for your efforts.

Feelings of hopelessness: I think this is also a common result of unresolved internal injuries. Since God’s love is blocked from your life, it becomes difficult to see why he would love or care for you, and therefore you become an easy target for feelings of hopelessness.

Impulse: When you suffer from an emotional wound, it can create a sense of emptiness in meaning in your life, thus leading you to find meaning, purpose, and happiness. This could be in the form of college degrees, careers, financial success, etc. Instead of appreciating the person God has made (YOU!), you find yourself pursuing what you believe will bring true happiness and purpose to your life.

Hostility towards God, towards oneself and towards others: Due to tied up emotions, a person may tend to feel hostile towards God, towards other people in their life, or even towards themselves. This usually has its roots in a form of bitterness against God for not stopping something from happening to you, bitterness against someone who has offended or emotionally hurt you, or bitterness against yourself for the failures you have fallen into.

What should you do to heal an inner wound?

If you had a headache, Would you go to the doctor and say, “I have a problem, but I don’t want to think about it enough to realize what it is”? I do not know what is happening to me! I don’t know if it’s a headache, a stomach ache, a nose ache, or an ingrown toenail.” You would never do that when seeking physical healing, would you? So why do we do this so often when seeking inner healing? We know there are a problem, a hurt, but we don’t want to even take a look at our past to find out what’s really wrong.If you’re going to receive healing from an emotional wound, you first need to be honest with yourself and what you’ve been through.

What things have you done that you deeply regret? Make a list of things that you still, to this day, regret doing. If you have feelings of self-hate, self-forgiveness. So you need to be honest and discover the internal wounds that you are suffering from.

Is there anything in your past that you feel excessively ashamed of? This is a common cause of self-hatred. If there are things that you have not yet forgiven yourself for, then now is a good time to make a list of those things, so that you can effectively forgive and release the hatred that you secretly hold within your heart against yourself.

It is vital that you get to the roots and expose the specific reasons why there are wounds that have not yet healed. Spiritual infections, like natural infections, fester and worsen when in the dark; it is important to bring matters to light, so that they can no longer rot, but receive the healing light of Christ in those areas of the mind and emotions of the soul. If you cannot be honest with yourself and bring these things to light, then you are only preventing the healing power of the Holy Spirit from ministering to those wounds and bringing healing to your heart and soul.

Keys to inner healing

1. Resolve feelings of guilt

The first thing to do is resolve any feelings of guilt and shame, especially any feelings that God is disappointed or angry with you. When it comes to a physical injury, what is the first thing to do? Cleanse it of germs so it can heal properly.

When it comes to spiritual or emotional wounds, carrying around baggage (guilt, shame, fear.) makes the healing process that much more difficult. Getting to the point where you know that God loves you, forgives you, and accepts you is one of the foundations for receiving inner healing. Knowing that God is not angry or disappointed with us; create an atmosphere where you can freely give your burdens to Jesus, and trust him to take care of them.

Carrying a load of shame is a sure way to hinder the inner healing process because it separates us mentally from the healing work of Jesus. If we want to receive free healing for our damaged emotions, then we need to establish in our minds that God is not angry with us, and stand on God’s Word about our sins being forgiven and washed away by the blood of Christ.

One of the biggest keys to receiving inner healing in damaged emotions depends on your perception of God, and how he feels about you. You must realize that he is the source of your inner healing, and liberation. And not your problems!

Blaming God for your problems will put up an invisible wall, preventing his healing power from flowing into your mind and emotions. The Holy Spirit will not override our free will, and when we blame him, our free will is putting our hand on his face. It is important that our free will allow his work, and not blame him for the bad that has happened to us. It is important to realize that God is for us, not against us. He wants to see you healed and restored to wholeness even more than you do!

2. Open the wounds and bring them to the light of Jesus

Open those wounds, and give the pain to Jesus. What you must do is open those wounds before the light (Jesus), so that they can be healed. As long as you keep them in the dark, they will never fully heal. If you had a physical wound, and it turned into an infection, and you just put a bandage on the wound, would that solve the problem? Of course not! You need to remove that mask, expose it to light, and apply Christ’s healing, germ-killing light to that wound so it can heal.

We need to realize that Christ has taken our pain on the cross, and if we transfer it to him, he is waiting to heal our wounds. Why should we carry something that Christ has carried for us on the cross?

The word “sorrows” in this passage is actually translated as sorrow, or affliction. When Jesus shed his blood, he took on our inner pain and wounds, so we don’t have to! God’s Word tells us that he cares for us, and because of this fact, we are told to place all – not some, but all – our worries on him (see 1 Peter…

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