Introduction: In the midst of a world full of activity, a world that is increasingly materialistic, a world that is more and more concerned with the external, it is necessary to turn to God and strengthen the spiritual life.

In the face of stress, anguish, depression, suicide, etc., it is essential to know and experience in daily life the peace of God filling the heart and directing our lives…


1) The peace of God protects the heart and mind of the believer. Philippians 4:6-7
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
a) This verse instructs us how we should act in the face of the needs and difficulties of life, the first thing it tells us is that we should go to God and present our needs in prayer, this prayer must be accompanied by faith, and an expression of that faith is give thanks to God for the answer we will receive.
b) When we do this, the peace of the Lord comes over our lives from God. That peace gives us confidence and strengthens our faith in him, it is a special power of the Lord for his children that enables them to face and overcome difficulty with certainty in the care and sovereignty of God.
c) Since this peace surpasses all understanding, we do not have to understand what happens, nor how God will give us the victory. The peace of the Lord in the Christian makes him believe, persevere, advance and achieve victory in Christ.
d) The peace of God does not mean the absence of difficulties, tests or obstacles to overcome. Rather, the peace that comes from God equips us to face every attempt against our faith and against our hope in the Lord and in his promises. The peace of God is that inner certainty that the Lord takes care of the “impossible humans” and that in the end we will have the best result, because it comes from the hand of God.
and) The last phrase of the verse tells us: “will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”, then the peace of God protects, covers, is like a military fortress around the heart and mind of the Christian, keeping him from doubt, from unbelief, eagerness and anxiety, and the darts of the devil. The peace of God makes you strong and persistent.
two) God’s peace for man is Christ himself. Isaiah 53:5
“But he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our sins; the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed.”
a) This verse speaks directly of the work of Jesus on the cross of Calvary, of the painful judgment that he received as a price for our sins, we see that the Holy Spirit through the prophet Isaiah uses words like “wounded” “crushed” “punishment” “wound ” terms that let us see the high degree of pain, torture and suffering that Jesus experienced to give us salvation.
b) We must highlight the phrase: “the punishment of our peace was upon him”. There was no peace between God and men due to the sin of the human being, so the Lord Jesus gave his life to reconcile man with God, that meeting environment through Christ is the peace of man.
c) Man was created to be with God, but sin took him away from the divine presence, through Christ and in him we can now approach God and restore the relationship with the Creator of the universe. Thus, our peace is to dwell in the presence of God, that is, to have communion with him and follow his direction, when this is not lived, the born again in Christ does not experience true peace.
d) Also Ephesians 2:13-14 tells us: “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Because he is our peace…”.
and) By the Spirit Paul reminds us that before knowing Christ we were far from God, but he himself by his Spirit brought us closer through the blood of Christ. It is his blood that cleanses us from sin, makes us free from judgment and from all feelings of guilt, it is there when the peace of God fills our hearts.
F) Paul adds saying: “He (Christ) is our peace”, we see then that sin separates us from God, but in the blood of Jesus we find true forgiveness, and therefore true peace. We experience the peace of God when we live with a sincere heart before the Lord.

3) The peace of God overcomes anguish and fear. John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; I do not give it to you as the world gives it. Do not let your heart be troubled. Don’t be afraid.”
a) Let us remember that this meeting takes place on the last night of Jesus with his disciples, the Master was going to go to the cross and would no longer be physically with them. That is why he is promising them the coming of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, the Lord would not leave them alone.
b) Jesus ministers his peace to the worried and anguished hearts of his disciples. It is very interesting that about his peace Jesus says: “I do not give it as the world gives it”, because it allows us to see that the world tries to provide peace to needy human beings, but that peace will never really satisfy the need human.
c) Many try to find peace or relief in the consumption of drugs, others fall into alcohol, others become dependent on certain medications, others learn meditation exercises, etc. But only in Jesus Christ the human being finds true peace.
d) The peace of God is that which gives man the certainty that he has been forgiven of his sins, that he will not go to eternal damnation, and that which strengthens him to walk in victory over the powers of darkness.

and) Jesus says in the last sentence of the verse: “Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor be afraid” words that remind us that the peace of God preserves the Christian from fear and anguish. We may see difficulties or problems to overcome, but that is when the peace of God will not allow fear, cowardice, or anxiety to rule our hearts, but with divine courage and wisdom we will face and overcome the matter.

4) God’s peace is the result of trusting him. Isaiah 26:3-4
“You will keep him in complete peace whose mind is stayed on you; because he has trusted you. Trust in Jehovah forever, for in Jehovah the Lord is the strength of the ages.”
a) Here we can see that one of the blessings that the Lord has for his children is his peace, he speaks to us here of a “complete peace”, the Hebrew term used here is “shalom” which indicates: peace, well-being, health, prosperity, victory ; then a complete peace is one in which we see God manifest his power and glory in all areas of our lives.
b) That complete peace is manifested when the Christian has a way of thinking that perseveres in God, that is, there may be difficulties and adversities, trials and obstacles, but the child of God continues to trust in the care of the Lord and in his faithful promises, that is why adds the biblical text saying: “Because he has trusted in you”.
c) The peace of God is in direct proportion to the confidence we have in the care and faithfulness of the Lord. That person who trusts in God, can really rest and rest in him, knows that God will do what is impossible for man. She knows that God will do what is best, whatever the scenario and outcome.
d) That trust in God tells us the biblical passage “is the strength of the centuries.” Other versions say: “it is the eternal Rock” “it is the eternal strength” then it speaks to us of that powerful, firm and eternal fidelity of God, the one that never changes and remains forever. Fidelity by which God never lies or deceives, on the contrary he always fulfills his promises. You can fully trust him, and because of this, the peace of God will govern and strengthen your life.
“And the God of peace, who raised from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do his will, working in you what is pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ; to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen” Hebrews 13:20-21.
As we can see in the previous passage, peace stands out as a virtue of God. When the peace of God seizes our hearts, there we can hear the voice of the Lord, there he shepherds us, speaks to us and corrects us. It is then a peace with which he works in our hearts making us fit for his plans.

Conclusion: The peace of God lifts you above all adversity, the peace of the Lord strengthens you to overcome all adversity. Allow the peace of God to fill your heart, decide to trust in the Lord, and he will never let you down. God bless you with peace from him.

Written by pastor Gonzalo Sanabria.

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