Characteristics Of A Mature Courtship |

The characteristics of a mature courtship It is one of the things that all young people want to know to be able to take the step to the union of marriagesince that consolidates your spiritual life for growth in your life for the purpose of a couple.

It is for this reason that we will explain below what are those signs or characteristics that indicate that the courtship is maturing, and above all that it is fulfilling what is established in the word of God.

The relationship

When talking about engagement This is a condition or state of boyfriends, where two people who are as a couple, and are not yet marriedand they allow themselves to make a reference to the duration of this relationship status.

This means that it is a transitory state where it is determined as a period in which this person maintains a loving relationshipwith the search to know each other and by having a satisfactory courtship between the two, and the couple will be able to marry.

Spiritual Maturity

When leaving loving relationships in the Christian sphere, all this leads to a person understanding the God’s Wayand understand that when this type of relationship is established, you must have a spiritual maturity, and thus be able to grow in your life with each one of them. the gifts and fruits what are acts to have that communion with the Lord.

All this will allow a person to join with another in a dating relationship may remain, since they may have characteristics that lead them to a single center and that is God. Among some of those characteristics are the following:

  • One way of seeing that maturity is growth in the Lord in which, in the face of any circumstance, they will be able to have joysince they will be able to understand that God is by their side and everything works for the best.

“In which you rejoice, although now for a little while, if necessary, you have to be afflicted in various tests, so that your faith may be tested, much more precious than gold, which, although perishable, is tested with fire, be found in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed, whom you love without having seen him, in whom believing, although you do not see him now, you rejoice with inexpressible and glorious joy “(1 Peter 1: 6-8)

  • Another way in which the spiritual maturity of a person is seen is that he can know, obey and love the Word of God, seeking every day to scrutinize the Holy Scriptures, and enjoy it to believe in God. (Psalms 119).
  • Another way of looking at that spiritual maturity of a person is how on a daily basis fight against sinallowing to see the victory that God gives to be led by the holy spirit at all times.

«So, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, so that we might live according to the flesh; for if you live according to the flesh, you will die; But if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live” (Romans 8:12-13).

  • Another piece of evidence that makes a person see that he is mature is that he tries to cling more and more to the God’s justification and forgivenessthrough his son Jesus Christ, having an authentic faith, to receive the peace that only God can give.

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).

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  • Other characteristics of a mature person in the Lord is that they can understand that only by the grace of god stands.

“I say, then, by the grace that is given to me, to each one who is among you, that he should not have a higher concept of himself than he should have, but that he should think of himself with sanity, according to the measure of faith that he God distributed to each one” (Romans 12:3).

  • Another characteristic of maturity of a person in God is that he must be kind, understanding, You must not treat anyone badly, but have a teachable and loving spirit towards others.

«Because the servant of the Lord must not be contentious, but kind to everyone, apt to teach, long-suffering; that he meekly correct those who oppose, in case perhaps God will grant them to repent in order to know the truth, and escape from the snare of the devil, in which they are captive at his will” (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

  • Another way to show that a person is mature is recognize affection and love by another believer, fulfilling the mandate given by Jesus to love his neighbor as himself.

“With all lowliness and meekness, longsuffering for one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2).

  • Another characteristic of a mature person in the path of God is one who loveseven those who treat him badly, that is, the so-called enemies, evidencing that the love of God is in his life.

«Bless those who persecute you; bless, and do not curse” (Romans 12:14).

  • Another valuable point that shows a mature person is that knows how to forgivesince it is the reflection of spiritual growth, which leads him to see the other with mercy, and regardless of the type of situation he has experienced, he does not hold a grudge, but rather gives him his forgiveness with love.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).

Characteristics of a Mature Courtship

When you know the characteristics of a person who is mature in the ways of God, they will be able to see themselves reflected in that courtship relationship, since they will be able to act in harmony with what is established in the plan of a relationship guided by God.

Among the signs or characteristics of a mature courtship, the following stand out:

  1. The couple has the ability to be able to communicate and express each of their feelings, without arguing or fighting, maintaining respect for each other, maintaining peace and sanity before the words that each one can emit.
  2. Another characteristic that reveals a mature courtship is that learn to resolve conflictswithout violence, or disqualification, overlooking all irrelevant or superficial things.
  3. At times when the couple has a conflict, they can look for some advice or mentoring of mature people.
  4. Another sign that speaks of a mature courtship is that learn to plan for the future Well, goals and dreams are established in common, working together to be able to achieve it, since they must develop a life project together.
  5. An essential characteristic of a mature courtship is that develop a spiritual life leaving the emotional aside, and immersing himself in the spiritual aspect, sharing the teaching of the Holy Scriptures and seeking God in all his ways.
  6. Another characteristic of a mature courtship is that they are servants in the work of Godand they have a commitment to carry the Holy Word, and that their redemptive work continues to be established with power on earth.
  7. Another feature is that it respect each other, understanding that the love that is being formed in them must be the same love that the Holy Scriptures speak of, where they do not harm each other and sincerely respect each other.
  8. Another sign that keeps a positive attitude It is valuing each of the goals and dreams that each one has, encouraging oneself to be able to achieve them, without envy.
  9. Another important thing is that self-analyze and they seek to correct all those things that may be a stumbling block in their path, making an introspection of their way of acting.
  10. As long as they stay in knowledge of each other As a dating couple, they must value those virtues that the other has, and help them improve to grow and overcome their weaknesses.
  11. Similarly another important feature is respect the decisions of each one to take, not allowing the other to make decisions without consulting them.
  12. And as a last characteristic, it can be said that even the most important is know how to forgive since that will allow to be healthy and free to be able to grow in unity and love and to be able to become a consolidated marriage.

It can be said that when a person wants to start a loving relationship, they will always seek grow, share and above all he wants to lead to a relationship that come to a marriage that can last over time.

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This means that the most important thing is to seek God at all times, and that each of these characteristics that lead to spiritual maturity It can be reflected through this courtship relationship and thus be mature in decision-making, and in every step you take to support it.

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