Beautiful Prayer for Serenity and Tranquility Peace in your Heart! | Faithful to God

It is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful peace prayers that anyone can pronounce in moments of uneasiness. However, if you prefer to make your own prayer to achieve peace in your heart, there are various prayers and passages in the Bible that will serve to inspire you.

Beautiful prayer to get the tranquility that you need so much

If you are going through a bad moment in your life, and you need to connect with God the Father to beg him to give you peace and understanding. Do not despair, because here we give you an example of a beautiful serenity prayer.

Oh, God the Father, on this day I come to you,

because restlessness and fear overwhelms my life.

And I know that only in you I will achieve

the peace and calm that I seek so much.

Please, Father, give me serenity,

to recognize that things exist

that I can’t change,

and although it hurts,

help me understand that

everything belongs to your divine plan.

Since You, my Creator God,

you are the source of truth and life.

make him understand that they exist

things and circumstances that escape

from my hands, and I must rest in you,

for accept your wishes.

You who have already told us,

that this world is full of afflictions,

and that is why we must trust you and only you,

for as Creator, you have also

defeated the world

Today I entrust my worries and anxieties to you,

since I understand that you, Father, can help me

at all times, and it is that you are my rock and salvation.

Dear God, to you that nothing escapes you,

You know that I have tried to be a good and faithful son,

don’t forsake me

Give me your protection and warm and pure love,

to feel comforted,

because only your glory can make

My restlessness disappears.

I also ask you to give me the strength and courage,

to change all that I can change.

Since sometimes I can hesitate.

That’s why I ask you,

that in those moments you guide me with your light and strength.

In order to be able to act with a firm hand in the face of

What should I change? so don’t let my heart

overwhelmed with doubts, hold me steady with your rod.

For all of us who take refuge in you,

we will be heard That is why today I ask you

serenity and tranquility.

Since I know that in you, Father,

It’s where I’ll get the help I so badly need.

So I lift my eyes

to raise a beautiful prayer for help,

Well I need your ears to hear

my pleas.

In addition, today I also ask you to,

allow me to discern all that I can

change, than I can’t.

Since in the moments of darkness,

my judgment may be clouded.

That’s why I beg you, my God, that

don’t forsake me,

don’t let me fall into despair,

make me feel that your love sustains me,

as many other times you have done.

Give me the wisdom to know

that I should worry about this world, and that I shouldn’t.

And let me see which is the best way,

or the one that adapts more to the plans that

You have for me.

That’s why I ask you to accompany me at this time,

and do not allow anything to alter me,

because you, God are always with me,

You don’t move or change places.

Well, you’re in the same place

so that all of us who need you

we can come to you

and find the greatest of shelters.

Therefore I will wait in peace and calm,

since I know you will answer more

sooner rather than later to my plea.

You, Creator who can do everything,

I will cling only to you.

Because with you nothing is missing

because only you are enough to alleviate the

suffering. Tand I ask you to give him peace

and tranquility to my heart,

today and always.


How can I make a beautiful serenity prayer?

The best way to ask the Father for tranquility and peace is to read the Bible and look for what it teaches us about this feeling. In this sense, you can , that is, as medium of inspirationsince these immediately answer many of our questions.

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