Complete Serenity Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi – Faithful to God

In the first place we will go to him to ask him to give us a little of his serenity and tranquility to appease this busy life that we lead day by day, our health is often affected by this fast pace and we turn to it to allow us to stabilize, therefore we will give a prayer of serenity to ask this wonderful saint.

As regards, Saint Francis of Assisi, an Italian religious and mystic who led the Christian movement, always focused on his God, poverty and free brotherhood.

His simplicity and humility has transcended times being a role model, Saint Francis of Assisi stands out a lot for his works, but mainly for his quality as a person during his life in this earthly world.


Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi seeking complete serenity

One of the main characteristics of San Francisco de Asís it was his selflessness, despite having been born a golden cradle he did not hesitate or think twice when the priest of San Damiano asked him for help to rebuild the temple that had been left on wheels.

Before this action the father of Saint Francis of Assisi disinherited him to which he reacted by letting go of even the garments he was wearing at this time to represent that he was not tied to any earthly object other than his love for God.

Glorious Saint Francis of Assisi,

I beg you to grant me serenity,

To accept the things I can’t change

I come to you uneasily, so that you give me clarity,

and help me face reality.

oh my god,

O great and virtuous Saint Francis of Assisi,

I beg you to grant me serenity and courage,

to change the things I can change.

I come to you so that you allow me,

the wisdom to discern between the possible, and what not

I should be worried. addition tohelp me to see the road better,

and learn to live one day at a time.

O great Saint Francis of Assisi.

Oh My Lord, you who are in heaven and who are

so good, grant me your selflessness, your patience,

your calm, your clarity and your devotion

I kneel before you, Virtuous Saint Francis of Assisi,

asking you to help me, to enjoy a moment

the time, accepting adversity, as a path to peace.

I introduce myself to you in this world, clike a sinner

as I am, and how i would like to be

I believe in you,

I know you’ll make things better and that with you everything will be fine,

I surrender to your will This way I know I can

sbe reasonably happy in life, incredibly happy

with you in the next

I beg you, heed my prayers,

therefore I come to you in desperation, to satisfy

me restlessness and manage to direct, my life in a

path of peace and quiet, how did you do with yours,

I surrender my faith and my will to you, yesknowing that

You will know how to take her on the right path.

I trust you,

oh, great Saint Francis of Assisi, tand I need,

oh Saint Francis of Assisi, lfree my mind of everything

what makes her suffer, and fill my life with joy and peace

so I can enjoy my time in this world


Hold on to Saint Francis of Assisi

To perform the prayer, concentrate, light a candle (if you prefer), close your eyes, make the sign of the cross and Focus all your faith on these words. And do not forget that the important thing is that you are totally within your words and your heart’s desires, also do not forget that this is a serenity prayer to ask .

The peace, wisdom and serenity of Saint Francis of Assisi will rest on you to guide you and take you along a path of complete tranquility that will free you from your worries, but remember that it is only possible if you do your part, place all your faith in him. and return to your life with an open and clean mind, take advantage of the clarity in your understanding for your life to level.

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