Ancient, Long, Famous and Motivational Christian Prayers – Faithful to God

Giving God the activities of a new day is the best way to feel blessed. Above all, if we start our day by giving him a sincere thanks for having the joy of waking up. And also have a new opportunity to reach success and happiness. meet some Ancient, long, famous and motivating Christian prayers For every day!

There are prayers that have been used for a long time. Like the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Hail, the Creed, the Guardian Angel, among others. That they are known worldwide and that have always been dedicated. They also serve to motivate and encourage every day.

Ancient and Famous Prayers, to encourage us every day

These Ancient, long, famous and motivating Christian prayers For every day! They are the most common and popular of all time. They contain general requests, which makes them very complete and ideal for every day.

Oh my God, what are you

there in the sky, blessed must be

your name for you to bring

to us your kingdom.

That’s why us we will attach

at your will here on earth

as well as there in the sky.

please provide me with the bread

everyday, sorry

all those acts and thoughts

that make me a sinner.

and give me the will

to forgive those who offend me;

keep me away from temptation and drive away

all evil that surrounds me.


Oh Mary of grace,your

that you are always with God my savior,

blessed are you among all women

and mothers we bless as your son,

the fruit of your womb, my Beloved Jesus.

Holy Mother of God,

pray for me and my family

that we are sinners,

now and so far

of our death.


God save you, Mother of Mercy,

You are my life, tenderness and hope.

To you we call, we beg and we cry

in this valley of tears and grief.

For you to advocate for us,

before Almighty God

look at us with eyes of kindness and

mercy, show us the fruit

from your belly and introduce us to

our Lord Jesus.

Oh pious and sweet Virgin Mary!

please intercede for us

so that we can also be

deserving to get The goodnesses

of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Guardian angel be my company

today, tomorrow and always for me

take care of me at night and also take care of me

at daytime, do not leave me alone in the face of evil

of the world Because without you I would be lost.


I confess before Almighty God,

each and every sin

that come out of my thoughts,

in my words and in my actions.

I accept my guilt and ask that

please holy mary angels

and saints, intervene for me before God

our Almighty Lord.

for you to accept my apologies

and see my sincere regret.


I believe in my God,

creator of all we have,

I also believe in his only son,

conceived by work and grace

Holy Spirit.

Also born from the womb

of the Virgin Mary, and suffered

ridicule for calling himself the Messiah.

He was also tortured on the cross,

where he died and was later buried,

to the admiration of many risen

three days from the dead.

And today you are sitting

in the sky to the right side of God.

Since where he judges everyone

the living and the dead.

I believe in God, I believe in Jesus

I believe in the Virgin Mary and in the

Holy Spirit, also in the church

Catholic and in communion,

in the absolution of sins

and in the resurrection of the dead.


prayers for all times

The Ancient, long, famous and motivating Christian prayers For every day! They are common and rise in every house where the Christian faith is professed and they are also part of the Eucharist, in the Holy Mass. Their content is very complete and we can use them for any situation, be it a request or a thank you.

You can accompany these prayers with words that you dedicate from your heart with faith and hope. In that particular request or thanks for a favor received will be heard. The prayer is known or of your own inspiration, as long as it is true and sincere who always take into account our prayers.

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