Category Lectures

VIDEO: 10 promises of blessing

In this video: 10 promises of blessing we take the scripture from Deuteronomy 28:1-14… It is very clear that God wants to bless us, to make life here on earth comfortable and pleasant. However, this will not be possible if…

Gifts from God our Father

Today I want to talk to you about the gifts of God that we are hardly aware of having. For that reason we seldom take advantage of them. We value and enjoy the gift of life, of family, of material…

We don’t have to fight no battle

Hunter friend, today I come to tell you from God that we don’t have to fight any battle, I know that we are all exposed to difficulties, complicated situations. We cannot escape from those times of desert and painful trials,…

Put on the armor of God

The spiritual warfare is not only about facing great demons and evil spirits, but also small arrows that the enemy shoots at you. every moment of your life. So put on the armor of God and learn to wear it…