The Story of Breast Milk from the Virgin Mary to Saint Bernard – Faithful to God

.In the bible there are interesting stories that were revealed through history and that were exposed to the world to know and always have with us the necessary information to understand everything related to the Creator and Jesus Christ. Curiously, one of the ones that stands out the most is the story of the mother’s milk from the Virgin Mary to Saint Bernard.

Through endless history in medieval art, she was exposed in an image that manually extracted milk from her nipples. Said image had a Saint around it, this Patron Saint was undoubtedly Saint Bernard.

Who was Saint Bernard?

In context with this, this patron saint he had a radiant charisma and was capable of moving masses of people, his personality was what made him powerful in the sense of always being cheerful, intelligent, friendly, kind and kind.

His fervor for religion was so great that in a period he was attracted by worldly friends to follow paths that were not correct, disillusioned with the world he put himself in the hands of the Almighty and this I claim your way.

He was a saint who had a great vision, he had the joy of being able to visualize Jesus in the arms of Mary after his birth. Pleasantly in that dream, he had the opportunity to see how our Divine Mother He offered Jesus to love him. Characterized as being a man who attracts everything that passes by his side. He immersed himself in a place that was turned into what in his life became a Father.

What is the history of breast milk from the Virgin to Saint Bernard?

Over time Saint Bernard was chosen as a key person in the cistercian order. He was a really brilliant preacher, for a long time this story made a big difference in his journey. The aforementioned tells the story, at that time when Mary appeared to him, milk sprouted from her breasts, so that this Saint could drink.

That moment was a revelation and a lot of learning for him, that opportunity symbolized motherhood and the supernatural that He bestowed vast wisdom.

Purpose of the Virgin Mary Breastmilk story?

The Mother of Jesus in each of his appearances it was with a specific purpose, where he marked a before and after in history. With great joy she experienced the pain of her son’s death. Unlike other people, she was the only creature in the world without a sin, so she was chosen and selected for such work.

It can also be mentioned that she was a good, helpful and noble woman. What she catapulted her as her leader, every time she was present she left a mark and a sign that later these people became Saints or Saints. Because they were some faithful missionaries and they followed without hesitation the word of the Almighty.

The main purpose is to always believe in God, Mary or Jesus at any time they will intercede for you. That is to say, for better or for worse, their radiant light will be the shelter to combat any moment delicate of life

What should you do?

From now on, as you know this story, consider that the , are by work and grace of your faith, at the moment that it appeared to Saint Bernard and he obtained this happiness, it was because he was on his knees recognizing that he was a sinner and with faith, bound with great will, he prayed without ceasing.

The excellent news is that you can implement the prayers in your lifeKeep in mind that the Virgin Mary will always be there for you and with her powerful love for her believers, she will avoid any problem or situation that drastically impacts your life.

Think and analyze how your life is right now on a spiritual level. And it begins to present in a different way to be able to discover the wonderful things in life. Now that you know everything about the legend of breast milk from the Virgin Mary to Saint Bernard. Take advantage of telling a loved one so that they also have the beautiful honor of being dazzled by this story.

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