(Pastors Gonzalo and Andrea Sanabria. The joy of the believer)

Introduction: (Christian joy) While Solomon remained faithful to God, not only was he prosperous, but his heart experienced immense joy, the joy of obeying God.

But his last years were of great sadness, personal and kingdom failure, scarcity, enemies. This had its origin in him when he stopped being faithful to God. Our joy is not in terms of material abundance but in God himself (making it clear that I believe that God wants to bless us). The joy of God in our hearts is our strength. Let’s read this interesting study


A. In the OT joy is presented as contentment, well-being, jubilation, delight, elation, accompanied by a sense of morality and righteousness. In the NT joy means: joy, delight, complacency.
The joy of the Christian is God himself, that is why the Scripture says: I will enter the altar of God, To the God of my happiness and joy; And I will praise you with a harp, oh God, my God” (Ps 43:4). Therefore, this joy is linked to the joy of God himself, living in his will, that is why the Father said:

“This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”, that is, in whom I rejoice, why? Because the Son lived to do the will of the Father, the joy of the Son was the joy of the Father, because Jesus did what pleased the Father.
b. The example of the Lord Jesus, Heb. 12:2.
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Note: In this verse we can see the strength of joy, because it led Jesus to victory on the cross and to overcome disgrace. The text says: “he suffered the cross”, here to suffer means to resist, to endure and “disgrace” means: dishonor, insult and dishonor. Out of joy, Jesus withstood the cross and scorned insults. He did everything for love

A. God’s vision must be the vision of his children.
Note: The final part of Heb. 12:2, tells us that after this, Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father. That was the vision of the Son, because it was the plan of the Father.

The people of Israel walked through the desert, but their poor vision strengthened their disbelief; the difficulties of the way produced in them complaint and murmuring; by not looking by faith to the land of plenty, memories of the past (of Egypt) and fear, made them long to go back.

(We invite you to read: God brings the best for your life. ).
b. Resentment does not allow us to enjoy the joy of God.
The prophet Jonah is an example of this. What a privilege when the Lord commissions us. God entrusts Jonah to conquer a city with his message, he would be used as a faithful prophet of the Lord. But his heart was resentful. His heart wanted revenge.

His heart was driven by his spiritual pride (he was a Jew, a child of the covenant and the promise, they, the Ninevites were Gentiles, whom the Jews called “dogs”…). And so that entrustment of God to Jonah, becomes a bitterness, for not having the correct perspective.

c. The absence of the joy of God generates frustration and anger.
The book of the prophet Jonah teaches us that Jonah was angry, frustrated, when he saw God’s salvation with the city of Nineveh. The Scripture says of Jonah: “But this upset Jonah very much, and made him furious,” and he said to God, “So now, Lord, I beg you to take my life. I’d rather die than live!” (NIV Jonah 4).

The lack of forgiveness, the resentment, the bitterness prevented Jonah from experiencing the joy of God for the salvation of a city.
(We invite you to read: Put your trust in God. ).
A. God’s projects require His strength, Neh. 8:8-10.
“…Then he said to them: Go, eat fat, and drink sweet wine, and send portions to those who have nothing prepared; because holy day is to our Lord; do not be sad, for the joy of Jehovah is your strength.”
Note: It’s interesting that joy is directly related to repentance, that’s the context here. The word strength comes from a Hebrew term that also translates: fortified place, fortress, defense, rock, impregnable. That is, joy lifts us up to walk on paths of security in God, where the enemy could not touch you. God’s plans for you will advance, because you walk in his strength.
b. The joy of God sustains us in the midst of adversity, Phil. 4:4.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say: Rejoice!”
Note: The Scripture also says: “the kingdom of God does not consist of food and drink, but of justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”, in heaven there are no people afflicted, or depressed, or resentful, or angry with God. Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will return.

But now in us is the Holy Spirit of God… whom we sometimes grieve for our disobedience. Paul was imprisoned in Rome, in the midst of the will of God and he speaks to a constituted church, free and from his condition he animates them (his secret: communion with God).
Conclusion: God has planned the best for his children, let us not allow crises or trials to take away the joy of God, we must have the correct vision and obey God, strengthening ourselves in His presence to fulfill what God has designed for us.

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