Spiritual Warfare Prayer for Our Children in 3 Stages – Faithful to God

Surely you have never heard of this in your life, but if spiritual war exists and more for our children, who in adolescence are not attached to the , it is there where this prayer full of love serves to combat this and much more.

Our Redeemer is good and works in part with a plan, process or strategy that allows everyone to be free from danger. Explaining this in detail, I invite you to fight the demons, which do not favor our lives at all, much less that of our little ones.

Prayer to prevent spiritual warfare of our children

cover under a sacred cloak to our kidsIt is the most wonderful thing that will fill us with joy and happiness. Therefore, the connection with the Almighty is necessary and here in this short prayer you will realize the importance of that bond:

Dear Heavenly King,

Today I come to ask you a huge favor,

which will be positive mainly for my little one.

Just as you notice,

He is at a stage where he doesn’t know what to decide.

He thinks that he may be lost in life.

I personally think that only this one,

in the middle of its process.

Assimilating his route very well,

My son has followed good steps.

But like every human being,

he doubts that he can’t

still find your passion

and life purpose.

Something quite sad

personally I encourage it

and I reason it.

Each young person, even a person

adult goes through this.

Likewise, also

we have our demons.

Things that young people do not notice,

because we are always under a shell,

however, we also passed,

for delicate moments.

Personally, I accept it.

Just like him, in my time I felt the same.

My parents didn’t fully understand me,

I really don’t want the same thing to happen.

Being like this, without something to fight for,

or trying is very complicated.

Certainly, I’m giving you time,

to analyze your next step,

I don’t want to rush it.

Then if you make a decision

and it is not correct

He won’t forgive you either.

This type of spiritual warfare,

They are very common in our children.

God enlighten him at all times,

show them their talents and what they can do.

As you find your purpose,

since he thinks he is wasting time.

Although it may be true

He is still young and has a long way to go.

That’s something young people don’t understand

and have their power at all times.

My partner and I are going to support him

in any decision.

We want to give you what we

perhaps we once lacked.

Instead of putting him to suffer,

the truth now the street is more difficult.

He has to learn on his own,

what it is to earn money.

Not everything is random

people think that the game of life is like that.

On the other hand, I notice that many parents,

by the pressure to force him to something,

the children are unsuccessful or unhappy in the future.

We have made this decision,

because your happiness is our motivation.

However, we need your help.

On the other hand, you are the leader,

you know very well what his path is

and I ask you not to abandon it at any time.

He deserves your support

He deserves your compassion and above all your love.

My father,

take care of my son, as you have taken care of me.

Christ the Redeemer, cover him with your wisdom.

At first, he will be like this,

but I know that, with his talent,

he will achieve many favorable things for your life.

I think we have done a good base job,

that fills us with pride,

also to continue on this path

today, tomorrow and always.


What are spiritual wars?

In the children there are conflicts that they themselves think will never end, since then, as a parent we must act and use it to guide them on the right path. Use the I pray to trust and believe in God in every moment.

Do not forget that adolescence is hard and there are 3 stages that must be handled in the best way, which are; child, adolescent and young. Help him with this prayer to face the spiritual war that your little children have internally.

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