Proverbs 31:10 – 11 Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman.

A virtuous woman is one who allows herself to be directed by God. What woman wouldn’t want to be? you can count on a little help, motivation and wisdom to improve and renew the way of being in your life, with the aim of contributing to the fulfillment of your desires, in this article I will give you some simple advice according to Proverbs 31:10 to achieve build in your life the virtue according to the heart of God.

We must bear in mind that the relationship with God is the main key to achieve virtue which mentions proverbs 31:10. Intimacy and relationship with God is the key to everything in life, including marriage, friendship, daily living with neighbors. We must grow in the Lord. That is to say, to be instructed in everything that God the heavenly father has in his heart to teach us.

As you can see, God and God alone have the instruction book for your life, and He has made it available to you. He knows what he will make work, and through the written word in the Bible where his wisdom is contained, he endows us with understanding. God is ready to teach us about our role as wives, friends, counselors, virtuous women.

How do we grow in the Lord with Proverbs 31:10?

The answer is: By placing God first, in this way spiritual growth occurs. And the best known way to put God first is to seek him in his privacy, pray, read his word, the Bible, and obey it, in order to understand his advice for our lives.

Steps to grow in virtue:

Keep in mind that all are necessary to grow in the Lord. There are no shortcuts.

Step- 1.- Read the Bible

Evidence through reading the Bible what God says about your life and the way he wants you to live. How to make this happen? Listening to what the heart of God expresses in his Word, reading and meditating on the teaching of the living book. In this way, you will be able to discern about his mandates and statutes. To achieve the virtue of his heart, and to be a woman knew according to proverbs 31:10

Step- 2.- Woman of prayer

It is essential to become a woman of prayer, as this will make you sensitive to hearing God’s direction in your life, and will provide you with wise advice, holy prudence.

Step- 3.- Practice Christian conduct

In this step you must put into practice what you already know how to discern regarding God’s will for your life. Here you put your knowledge into action.

Step 4.- Manifest the fruits of the spirit

You will develop the fruits of the Holy Spirit, be affable, prudent, temperate, loving and learn to listen before responding.

Examine the condition of your heart

Now, is he strong in faith… or is he weak? Is it a passionate heart… or perhaps it has lost its vehemence? A virtuous woman according to God’s heart is someone who searches for him with strength, firmness and follows him closely (see Ps. 63:8). Consequently, praying and acknowledging weak or sinful areas in your daily walk with God can lead to further growth.

God wants us to increase spiritual muscles so that we can strengthen ourselves, the proportion to be able to face the powers of this world, and thus be able to resist the pressures. This in order to teach us meekness; which is a virtue that God demands of us, a woman who knows how to respond adequately to any problem, she does so firstly by praying and receiving God’s strength.

How is your current situation, your spiritual maturity, and the fruits of the spirit in your rhythm of life? If there is in you a passionate yearning to grow according to proverbs 31:10to know him in a deeper and more intimate way, to be a virtuous woman according to Proverbs 17:10, then you must strive to please God, and you must live according to his purposes, to try to look more like Christ and recognize, face, overcome erroneous and sinful habits or behaviors… then that will be the sign that your heart is willing and sensitive to grow in the Lord according to proverbs 13:10.

What does it mean to be a virtuous woman?

The virtuous woman She is the one who knows her emotions, however she knows how to use her reason to moderate her reactions. She is a woman who walks by wisdom instead of recklessness. She is a biblical principle from the book of proverbs, you must apply it in your life, in order to be a woman full of virtues.

Proverbs 31:10 A virtuous woman, who will find her? Because her esteem far exceeds that of precious stones.

Two foundations of the verse proverbs 31:10

1.- When you reach understanding From Proverbs 31:10, you have the behavior of a woman who understands that authentic beauty is within her. The beauty that is affirmed is virtuous since this type of beauty develops from having the identity marked in God.

Virtue and inner beauty are linked. If you determine to practice the life of a virtuous woman, this will cause you to be a beautiful woman.

2.- You must allow beauty exterior reflects the beauty of the interior. Preserving the beauty on the inside does not mean that you cannot be beautiful on the outside, even beauty is balanced, so if you are beautiful on the inside, it is important that you take care of your body so that you can be equally healthy and confident in your esteem.

11 Characteristics of a virtuous woman

1.-It is helpful:

A virtuous woman behaves in a helpful manner. for with others. Of course you must not forget your different needs, you must greatly recognize the needs of other people and always be ready to supply those needs.

2.-She is hospitable, courteous and generous:

A woman who is hospitable, courteous and generous. The virtue of courtesy goes beyond soft words and pleasant smiles. To be effectively kind to anyone, you need to approach that person with a genuine spirit of service.

3.-He is responsible

She is a responsible woman, who fulfills the tasks assigned to her. He is the one who complies by finishing on time any activity, task or trade that is given to him, immediately without leaving things for later.

4.- She is a good administrator.

She is a woman who uses money wisely. You should not be irresponsible with money or spend it unnecessarily, knowing how to manage is a great virtue.

5.- It is organized

You must know how to use time wiselyand in an organized way. It is necessary to have time to relax, however being active instead of having a lazy behavior is really an indispensable virtue, good looking before others.

6.- Walk in faith

A woman who walks in faith in God at all times and at all times, it is a kingdom principle that helps in the search for virtue, directly from the wisdomand advice of our Lord Jesus.

7.- Honor parents.

To be a virtuous woman, you must show respect to parents, obeying their rules during youth, and also remain listening to them and respecting their ideas in the midst of adulthood.

8.- If you are married you must respect your husband.

You will need to love, listen, and submit to your husband. Marriage is a unity that biblically forms one flesh, however God’s order is for the husband to submit to Christ, and then the wife to her husband as her head.

9.- Affective mother

If you are a mother: the virtuous woman is an affectionate mother, if you have children, you should prefer their needs over yours. Educate children under Biblical principles.

Find out more about it here: Proverbs 22:6 – Instruct the Child in His Way | Ministry of Be parents.

10.- She is receptive

Instead of stubbornly following your own opinions regardless of whether you are right or wrong, you should be open to criticism and listen to advice.

11.- You must cultivate reason.

The nature of the woman; very emotional beings and the great disadvantage of unbalanced emotions is that they blind or impair reason. A virtuous woman distinguishes her emotionsbut he knows how to correctly use reason to moderate his reactions.

Taking the determination and commitment to a virtuous life is really important to fulfill God’s purpose on earth, it is necessary that you prepare for a life full of the wisdom of the heavenly father. A virtuous life cannot be achieved in a few days, but you can initiate true virtue as a continuous lifestyle, until you genuinely achieve the character of Christ.

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