Prayer to Solve Family Problems and Families in Crisis

God teaches us that our family is the most important thing in the life of man. For this reason, when you have relatives in crisis, the union with them must be stronger. As well as the presence of a prayer to solve family problems. As Proverbs 15:27 says: “He who has illicit gain makes his house turbid, but he who hates bribery shall live.”

Don’t let your family fall into a hole full of bad decisions. The correct and simplest path will always be to trust and, he never forsakes his children.

Prayer to resolve family problems or crises

Ask God for the healing of your relatives in crisis, so it will be possible to find a way out. Remember that the solution is always to trust. This prayer will help you:

Dear God, first of all I want to thank you,

for all the good things you have given me and my family.

For this new day and for everything that surrounds us,

in each new dawn.

And, above all, for keeping us together in the face of this adversity.

You better than anyone know the problems,

that my family and I are going through right now,

and only you, Lord,

you have the ideal solution in your hands.

We know this is about testing,

that you place in our lives,

and that you would never look for,

give us burdens too heavy for us.

But Lord, we have fallen,

and we did not find the ideal solution for this crisis.

We feel desperate and helpless.

Help us God,

to find the way to peace and tranquility.

Help us to solve every problem we go through today,

and that does not allow us to have peace.

We have neglected our chores,

our tranquility and our sleep,

Lord do not forsake us, intercede for us.

Please show us the correct path for the solution.

I apologize,

for every mistake and every sin,

that my family and I have committed in this journey.

But, we know,

that you are able to forgive us and protect us.

Lord bring abundance to our home,

that at our table there is no lack of bread every day,

and may the health of the sick improve,

we beg you Lord.

Only in you we trust

for the prompt solution of our crisis.

We understand that we must learn and get up,

but we feel with little strength to continue alone.

God, don’t leave us alone

hold our hands,

in order to get out of this great crisis successfully,

and to be able to praise you with joy and peace.

Do not let,

that nothing happens to any of my relatives.


cover them with your healing mantle,

give them the peace they so much need.

Enlighten our minds and our hearts,

to find the way to happiness and peace,

we pray God.

We trust you,

We always have and will continue to do so.

That’s why you have us here today,

before you, begging for your help.

Come to us and shelter us,

my family needs you

I need you.

We need you Lord.

Pour your blessings on us,

in order to get out of this storm virtuous.


Faith in God can solve family crises

Only faith is capable of lifting us up in difficult times. Only faith is capable of solving every crisis our family is going through. dedicate a prayer to solve family problemsis the true solution to face anything that comes from your happy home.

Never forget that God is with you wherever you go. He encourages us and helps us come out of all crises and battles unscathed. So don’t forget: take your family’s hand, kneel down and pray together! You will see that they will never feel lost or abandoned again, because their creator accompanies them.

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