Prayer to Santo Domingo de Guzmán to Improve Family Health – Faithful to God

The in people’s life; because she is the one that allows man to develop normally, in his activities; since not only the physical is important, also the mental and social. And when we do prayer to Santo Domingo de Guzmán for health, he strengthens the spirit; acquiring through faith a great divine protection.

With this prayer you can obtain his goodness; and be fulfilled your request to improve the health of the family. And at this moment, I will show you how this prayer should be made to this Saint of such great testimony.

Pray to Santo Domingo for the health of the family

Oh my God, you are my Father and my sustenance; my enemies flee before you because you are powerful; I only trust you. And I know that the cry to Santo Domingowill help me fulfill my request.

Mainly my Lord in this prayer

I cry, to Santo Domingo de Guzmán, for

family health; I put my

full confidence in him, and this

assures; that will be taken care of

my request

And that no pestilence,

nor mortality will touch the homes,

who cry out to his name.

Because I ask you Oh Santo Domingo, fill the

family of grace with which

you were blessed; and have

mercy on them.

So that your health does not perish in

none of them; well, in you

I trust. Your glorious Saint, strengthen

the white blood cells of

bodies of each

Family integrants.

And no disease arises in

their lives, in you rests my

confidence mighty shelter.

Also Holy Patriarch, I beseech you that

in your divine mercy

Keep the family from all harm.

And those who are in

their weak bodies, fill them with

vigor. For this very man of heroics

virtues, you who sustained

the church in the threat of ruin.

Support the family and save them

with immunity to any

pestilence, proclaiming

always them in victory.

Please Glorious Saint Dominic,

chosen by God to strengthen

to the underdogs; give us the victory,

in the face of injustices committed against the

family; and continues to improve


Man of great fervor, I cry out to you

at this time, so that

improve family health;

I strongly pray that

I also implore the Father,

they never lack neither food nor medicine.

So help my family and

in the world his works were of

great blessing; allows in the

family your presence be powerful

and influential and powerful; what for

may that cool peace be with you.

Friend of the believer, that your saint

goodness, reach and improve the

also the beauty’s health

family; and that your model

holiness; be taken by them;

and so they shall be saved, in the day of


Bless Santo Domingo,

the health of the family is in your

hands. because you are

good and that your great spirit

reach all its members;

your avenging arm, triumph before the

wickedness because he attacked the

defenseless bodies.

Lover of true light, I have

in which you heard my prayer; Y

in the name of the Most High God,

surely you will take care of our

family health in the world.

My holy protector soul;

I’ll beg you while I can

presence; for you to keep

forever, from generation to

generation to family.

Please take into consideration my

petition; and fill my soul with peace,

confirmation that you have


Finally that the Eternal God,

be always exalted by your

good works; and others like me

cry out to your name, for

achieve your goodness and

timely help.


Cry out to Santo Domingo for the family

When we pray to improve the health of the family, through the prayer to Santo Domingo de Guzmán; they are strengthened and full of mercies from the Most High God. And he always fills our prayers with favor, allowing their effective and rapid fulfillment; when they are performed with a contrite and humbled heart.

Let us never forget to give thanks to the Merciful Lord; for always using people full of his love, to bless our existence; and these motivate us to seek the true light, which is Christ. You have to give. I hope you liked it.

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