Prayer to Santa Marta Dominadora to Despair, Dominate and Humiliate – Faithful to God

Sometimes we are invaded by situations where people around us become hostile and rude to us. We look for a way to soften these relationships on any side and we do not get a solution. Let’s go to the prayer to Santa Marta dominadora, to despair, dominate and humiliate.

Santa Marta was a very attentive and affectionate with Jesus, she and her siblings welcomed him warmly into their sweet home. That is why Jesus Christ in the Bible tells us about the love he had for Martha, Mary and Lazarus. For this reason Santa Marta is a powerful friend to intercede for us before the divine grace of God.

Prayer to Santa Marta to dominate and despair

We draw on the power of prayer and grant us some special favor that we need. Santa Marta takes our message before God if we recite the prayer to Santa Marta dominadora, to despair, dominate and humiliate to that person who affects our well-being.

Holy Martha Blessed. Oh my Blessed Saint,

You were happy when you received in your house the son of

God, you took care of him and gave him the most

warm shelter and the most pleasant

hospitality within a loving home

and followed him.

Jesus was comfortable inside your core

familiar and blessed them with his presence.

You offered Jesus your services, with your

industrious hands you took care of his existence so that

feel comfortable and at ease with you,

Mary Magdalene and Lazarus.

With a congregation they listened to his words and

they listened to the doctrine that Jesus imparted to them.

Also beloved Santa, knowing your wonderful

kindness and love that God has for you

valuable woman, I resort to your good offices and the

desire to serve others so that you carry

before God my humble request.

I ask from the bottom of my heart and in this

profound prayer that you intercede for me and

give me your help and your support in order to

control that creature of God that

finds derailed and disturbs my life.

Hear my cry Sweet Santa,

and allows that being to bend his

character and soften his heart, despair him,

Dominate him, humiliate him before me at all times

and place.

Take over his body and his mind and open

your understanding improve your personality.

In the same way that he assumes the mistakes he has made to

with me, that he understands that he has acted

bad way and resort to requesting my

apologize as a child of God.

Invade your heart with the sweetest

feelings, those that you, my Santa Marta,

you offered Jesus.

Cancel all bad intentions that come from

that person, purifies his soul and spirit to

to be cleansed of all the evil that there

rests as the work of the evil one

take over your life.

Allow me to enjoy a free spirit, full

of God’s love, so that I can then

shine with such power that it radiates light to all

those around you.

Please eliminate hatred, resentment, rancor,

envy, greed and ambition that make her

move away from the grace of God and on the contrary

they attack me.

Oh tender Santa, dominate your being, despair

his love, humiliate him before God, before you, before me

humanity as a sign of acceptance and

acknowledgment for mistakes made.

Please always bless my life, protect me from

attacks of the evil one and of everything that

want to see me fall

Finally don’t let bad people get close

to me, with the intention of destroying me and seeing me



Powerful prayer to control difficult people

Each one of us is a unique and special being, not only physically but also in terms of personality and spirit. But we are all children of God and we must agree to live together as brothers. Accept our mistakes, bend our character, listen to the opinions of others with respect and consideration and above all love your neighbor as yourself.

so that in true prayer let dominate to that being that disturbs your existence and that becomes a stone on the road. For the achievement of your dreams and for achieve glory next to the kingdom of God.

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