Miraculous Prayer to Santa Marta so that she looks for me and calls me fast! – Faithful to God

When we need someone’s presence in our lives, we look for a way to get closer to her. Fighting against the distance and whatever comes our way. We can pray for Miraculous Prayer to Santa Marta so that she looks for me and calls me, so that the divine grace attract that person.

Santa Marta was a woman dedicated to serve Jesus Christ with hospitality. , Mary Magdalene and Lazarus. They received Jesus fleeing persecution in Jerusalem, so he went to Bethany. a nearby town and took refuge in the home of Santa Marta. She went out of her way to provide Jesus with his sincerest domestic attentions. In her house there was a room dedicated just for Him with the greatest of comforts.

Prayer to Santa Marta to look for me

God welcomed Santa Marta very close to his throne to make her a very good intercessor of our petitions. implore the next prayer to Santa Marta so that she looks for me and calls me. And thus attract those who are far away.

Holy Martha. Oh Holy Mother,

Blessed noble woman servant of attention

before Jesus, in your bosom of the home you welcomed him

to provide you with hospitality, comfort and the

domestic services so that he could

feel at home.

You performed with dedication and dedication.

You earned the love and appreciation of Jesus and his

more sincere teachings than in union with

your brothers professed in perfect dialogue


God has given you the blessing of becoming a saint

and the honor of interceding for all those who

we hail you.

Santa Marta, before you I implore help and

consolation, I long with all my heart to enjoy

of the company of someone special.

I ask you to listen to my request and bring it before

God so you can grant me the favor


I search by all means that I can

return to me, I have dedicated myself to looking for him for

everywhere without getting any answer,

That is why Santa Marta, today I dedicate my

praises and I raise my prayers before you for

bring him to my side.

Guide him to look for me, to call me, to approach me

to me and find me, that you take me for the

right way to run into him, and that I

take the right path so that it runs into

with me.

That he looks for me, that he longs to find me

with all your heart, that your mind and your

body needs me and take it to investigate

my position to be present in my life.

It doesn’t matter how far I am, I find

the way to look for me and reach me.

If it is the distance that separates us, let him call

that he misses me, that he wants me, that he misses me

look for as it gives place.

I will also look for him and facilitate the meeting

so we can be together like my heart

he longs for it so much.

Bring it to my Divine Saint,

I know that your mercy has no comparison,

that you always hear my calls and

you listen to my feelings

You are the light of my eyes and the refuge of my

sorrows, that’s why my trust is for you and for

God Almighty.

I greatly appreciate all the kindness

that you donate to my life, I know that the will of

God is infinite and He knows everything about me,

You know that in my heart I keep the most

sweet feelings and that I try every day

enforce its laws.

Holy mother, bring it, bring it closer, push it

to me, to come back, to come back, to me

miss me, that he dreams of me, that he calls me, that

look for me and calm my sorrows that I don’t

let live.


The power of Santa Marta attracts what is good for you

Asking praises and prayers to God is the best way to comfort the sorrows of the soul that we cannot quench. It is not only a means for consolation, also strengthens our relationship with our Heavenly Father and affirms that we receive him in our hearts and that we are faithful and loyal to his love.

God will always want the best for us. Yes with dedication and without rest with true faith, our requests will be fulfilled. But if we don’t get a solution it’s because the will of God so has decided.

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