? Prayer to Clean House Negative Energies – Faithful to God

Cleaning a house was not only done by witches, but also by grandmothers, great-grandmothers and old women of all time. This is believed to come from hundreds of years ago. By people who believe that negative energies reach our homes, thus affecting the entire spiritual and financial balance. For these cases we will invoke prayer to clean house negative energies.

If you feel heaviness, you can’t sleep and you feel some bad energy in a specific corner of your house, if you have pets and suddenly they get upset. Either you see shadows and you feel that someone is watching you or it happens that you are alone and you feel that someone calls your name. That’s when you have to resort to making a .

This is not a religious theme, it is more a spiritual theme which will help you free your house from those negative energies and spirits. not wanted.

Effective prayer to remove negative energies from your home

Everything around us transmits energy. So if we let something happen in our house it can affect us. But at the same time we can protect ourselves with this prayer to clean house negative energies of what suits us or harms us.

Everything that takes us away from being well in terms of our health and comfort is what we can call negative energy. We have to be careful with the people who visit our houses, since many times they do not come with the best intentions and burden us with their bad energies, altering our quality of life.

beloved universe, cConcentrate all your great positive energies,

and pour them on my house.

Some not so good situations happen around me,

Besides, I can’t find any logical explanation for them.

Keep people who don’t love me away

see well and they want to hurt me,

Give me security and confidence.

Purify my house and every space I inhabit.

May the evil spirits depart from me.

And may the good spirits support me,

generously and give me your strength to be in harmony.

With all the power of my soul allows,

so you can have peace and spiritual tranquility with me.

Also remove all negativity

of my triple being: body-soul-spirit,

May my ways be free.

Deliver me from all bad desires,

envy of those who want to see me fall and wish my evil.

Protect me wherever I go.

Give me peace to face every challenge

also an obstacle that life imposes on me.

Give me the necessary progress to advance in each moment,

important of my life.

Clean my house and allow positive energies,

stabilize my thoughts

to be at peace with myself.

Come to me positive energies and give me strength,

guide me, give me the necessary protection for myself and those around me.

Give me angels from heaven that protective light,

that is always around me eliminating me,

negative thoughts and actions

covering my house against the bad that wants to enter.

My thoughts and actions are propulsive,

of the best loving energies that make me feel good,

inside me and around me.

Everything that comes to me is illuminated with your universal light,

May they also manifest in blessings of love,

peace and prosperity.

My energies are always ready,

to fill others equally with my positivism.

I want to completely clean my house,

of all the bad energies that lurk wanting,

disturb my peace and tranquility.

Every corner every space everything in my house be cleaned,

filled with the best and most powerful positive energies.


You need the power of prayer…

If you are reading this it is because you think you need a cleaning in your house. Yet you believe in the power of these prayers. We know that human beings are not only composed of physical bodies, but also by what we can call energy bodies. The latter are where energies are manifested, whether good or bad.

By having negative thoughts we are carrying and these in turn adhere to the house or the environment where we live

The first thing we must do is get rid of everything that causes us stress and anxiety, take off our shoes, the rite of undressing our feet comes from the ancient traditions of Muslims and Buddhists, including Christians, and by focusing on good and energetic thoughts, recite these Prayers to clean the house of negative energies.

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