Prayer of the Magnificent for Difficult Occasions in Life – Very Calming – Faithful to God

We know that in difficult moments of life it is very important to keep faith firm, because for those who firmly believe in prayer of the Magnifica for difficult occasions in life It will allow them to see the light at the end of the road, as well as obtain answers and tools to cope with these difficult moments that life presents us.

Also, they are made to thank for the help given and favors granted at some point in life, this prayer is very simple and you can use it when you need it most.

Prayer to the Magnificent on difficult occasions in life

In this prayer invoked for the Magnificent, reveal the greatness of God and Christ the Savior and Redeemer. If you feel that you can no longer handle a situation that has overwhelmed you, it is time to file a prayer of the Magnificent for difficult occasions in life and let her handle it.

Holy Magnificent,

I come to you on my knees today,

to thank you for my life,

and also for each day that the Lord gives me.

In the same way,

I want to ask you to help me

At this critical and difficult time,

in which I now find myself.

Protect me in addition to this suffering,

that torments me day and night,

change sadness for happiness

and in the same way help me to achieve peace,

in this time of anguish.

In times of affliction,

I know they come to our minds

those thoughts of failure,

restless thoughts,

and also humiliating moments,

therefore only through your love

is that we can have peace.

We can see that light at the end of the tunnel,

when we think that all is lost,

that there is no solution and everything goes wrong

You always arrive at the right time.

Help me in temptation

you lift my spirits,

you answer my prayers

you take me by the hand,

and you make me sure

You always arrive just at the right time,

so that you strengthen my spiritual life

protecting me from the enemy.

O Magnificent and Adored Virgin,

to you we raise our prayer,

you are always attentive,

listen to us mother of Jesus, since

you listen to your faithful followers,

who have set their hearts to you.

Mercy is reflected in your gaze,

you give shelter with the mantle of your love,

you comfort us and protect us.

On the other hand, in your arms we feel safe;

you advocate for all who profess the faith

and you also defend those who, with love,

carry this good news.

Likewise, those who preach and proclaim,

that Jesus is our Lord.

When doubt knocks on my door

when envy takes over

of my sinful thoughts,

help me undress,

of everything that displeases God.

Lend your ear of mercy,

hear the prayers,

that are elevated only to you,

with faith, waiting for your comfort and protection.

I have firm my conviction

of the wonders that you can do

in the midst of anguish, in addition to

the difficult moments in life.

You fill every moment with peace and tranquility,

I know that the sacrifice of your son

It was not in vain,

but rather to show their love.

Also, just so the world knows,

that there is no affliction,

that cannot be removed,

bringing victory and joy.

The hardest times in life

in our opinion they are endless,

Therefore, our faith often fails,

forgetting who we should go to.

The prayer to the Magnificent,

allows us to let off steam, since

through it we can express

the slightest feelings.

In it we can find love,

furthermore, we know that she is full of mercy;

offers us without anything in return protection,

and also solution in any,

difficult time in life.

Virgin Mary you are an example,

to all the mothers of the earth,

you teach the good way for the children,

and you more than anyone have lived

in the flesh the pain,

besides the agony of seeing a son die.

I thank you for listening and helping me.


What teaching does this prayer have?

In them we must seek help and comfort from our heavenly mother the Magnificent, she shows us how great her love is for us and teaches us that without God we can do nothingwe must at all hard times make this prayer of the Magnificent for difficult occasions in life.

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