Prayer of the Magnificent Catholic Complete – Original Version – Faithful to God

The word Magnifica or Magnificat in Latin, is a prayer made by the Catholic Church and at the same time a song of praise. This prayer was her words during her visit to her cousin Elizabeth near the Judean mountain. Believers in the Catholic Church took this full catholic Magnificent prayer to bless and praise our Lord through what is written in the bible.

Likewise, the prayer of the Magnificent is part of an evangelical song commonly used to bless and give praise to the King of heaven.

What is the full Catholic Magnifica prayer?

Next, we are going to dedicate in total reverence this Full Catholic Magnificent Prayer to receive the blessing of the Holy Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit, through this prayer to the Magnificent.

Celestial father;

from your throne you rule with power,

you own the world and what it inhabits,

I ask you to have mercy on us,

the sinners,

and remember us

when you are in your glory.

On my knees before you I prostrate,

On this day, I come to you,

with a repentant and humbled heart.

I ask you my beloved,

King of Kings,

that you intercede for humanity,

that one day you created with love,

and because of sin has been disobedient,

and have done evil in the world.

My Lord forgive all my sins,

and give me a heart full of love,

show me the light and the path of good,

to follow according to your will.

God of mercy,

I open my heart to you, so that you dwell in it,

let me live from

best way possible

just as your son Jesus lived on earth.

go the right way,

and the paths of justice,

help me since, in my nature,

I can’t alone with so many wishes,

what is in this world,

that corrupt us and make us sin.

I beg you God the Father to help me,

remove all resentment from my soul

what can there be about my neighbor

and put love and kindness in me,

I want to live in the best way,

following your example and serving you.

I ask you, blessed God,

in the name of your son Jesus,

also Mighty and merciful

may you reign with power in this world.

All glory, honor and praise,

be addressed to you

cover me with your protective mantle,

in the same way as negative energies,

and the traps of the enemy,

are inert by your will.

Your mercy extends

from generation to generation,

those who fear you and serve you.

As they preach the truth of your word,

teaching the world,

that there is a better way.

God of Israel,

Hallowed be thy name,

and exalted forever and ever,

anyway we’ll see

your hand keeping us,

and taking care of us at all times,

from all violence and temptation.

as well as death

and you make us feel protected

in the refuge of your greatness.

You gave us through your son Jesus,

the forgiveness of our sins,

in the act of love

bigger than it can be.

Who was humiliated, and crucified,

so that his blood would cleanse us from evil

and his wounds gave us healing

to our diseases.

Finally, I have nothing more to ask of you,

but rather thank you,

for the perfect and wonderful things,

What are you doing in my life?

I thank you for your goodness,

also thank you for your mercy,

in the same way also for your love.

And for hearing the prayers

of this humble sinner,

that every day wants to be better for you.


What do we learn from this sentence?

As believers we have the advantage of having direct communication with God through prayer, and the power of prayer gives us victory and answers to our needs. In this article we will know well how we should ask in prayer of the complete – original version so that it allows us to reach the Father and see his prodigies.

In addition, he teaches us to faithfully serve him who loves us above all things, and guards us at all times from the traps of the enemy.

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