Prayer of the Holy Cross for the Protection of Pregnant Women – Faithful to God

First of all, this spiritual tool is a powerful prayer from the Holy Cross for the protection of pregnant women. Also With which you will protect pregnant women with a redemptive spiritual mantle and protection. Essentially this prayer is infallible and definitive, there will be no evil that can harm the one you protect with this prayer full of power and love.

Powerful prayer of definitive protection to the Holy Cross for pregnant women

Now I ask you to accompany me to pray this prayer with great faith, you will see the protection come to the lives of pregnant women. Since this prayer of the Holy Cross for the protection of pregnant women is extremely strong, you must do it carefully. so you can see the glory of God protect these women.

This holy prayer Lord,

is to pray for health,

to beg for well-being,

of every pregnant woman.

Truly Lord you are careful,

of every living being,

you take care of each and every one,

of every creature you created with your hands,

even to the birds of the field.

First you dressed them with

its splendid plumage,

to each animal you endowed with clothing,

and you are the one who takes care of them.

Every day your mercy is renewed,

also every day you put the bread

on our table

every day you took care that

we have to dress

your lord,

that you took care of our needs,

your lord, what are you a good father,

take care of us your children,

take care of pregnant women.

You watch over our safety,

allows pregnant women

They live under your mantle

let them dwell in your shadow.

Accompany them every day of their lives,

for the sacrifice, that your son Jesus,

did on the cross

protect pregnant women.

The Holy Cross, has the power,

through the blood that Jesus shed on her,

to protect pregnant women.

That’s why, Today I invoke

the power of the Holy Cross,

for the protection of pregnant women.

that there is not,

no pregnant woman,

that is not protected by the Holy Cross.

Today in the name of Jesus,

active spirit cloak,

infallible protection,

ultimate protection,

for pregnant women.

That every pregnant woman,

be covered by this mighty mantle,

which will work for your protection and shelter.

In the mighty name of Jesus,

I activate the Holy protection of the Cross,

for the life of every pregnant woman,

each of them will receive full protection.

There will be no evil

because there will be no saeta,

there will be no evil trick,

that can overcome the protection of the Holy Cross.

For this reason I must invoke the power,

that has the Holy Cross,

to also protect pregnant women.

Indeed declared in the name of Jesus,

that this power of protection,

will persecute pregnant women,

from the beginning to the end,

of her pregnancy.

So no evil

on the other hand you can reach them,

In the same way the new life,

that these women carry in their womb.

It will not be without any problem,

because they are protected

for a mantle of spiritual protection.

With all this I activate the protection,

of the redeeming Holy Cross,

like a mighty giant,

what to keep behind,

of pregnant women.

Then we thank you God,

Lord you are the only God,

there’s no one like you,

also your power is infinite,

We bless your name God.

Yet a name that passes understanding,

without a doubt, name above all names,

in reality you are the Alpha and the Omega,

still the beginning and the end.

Without a doubt to you sir,

Next be all the glory,

Likewise be all the honour,

forever and ever.


Your prayer of protection was final now the pregnant woman is protected

I remember thanking God very much for how much he takes care of all of us, even taking special care of pregnant women. Basically from the Holy Cross for the protection of pregnant women they are completely safe. Let us thank God for his goodness and his infinite mercy, which is renewed every day along with his love.

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