Powerful Prayer to the Virgin Mary for Pregnant Women Protect this Sweet Wait! – Faithful to God

God in his wonderful goodness after the creation of the world created Adam and Eve to accompany each other. And for the human race to continue, he gave the woman the wonderful gift of procreating a new being in her womb. The Virgin Mary as Jesus. She also carried him in her womb for nine months and lived through each of the stages of pregnancy. We present you the Powerful Prayer to the Virgin Mary for pregnant women. Protect this sweet wait!

Being in the sweet expectation of a baby, not only is one of the wonderful blessings of God. If not that in this process unique and special emotions and experiences are lived. With the pregnancy. The woman feels a series of changes in her body that can sometimes cause health risks and even possible death.

Powerful prayer for pregnant women

There are many changes that occur in a woman’s body when she is pregnant. Not only in the physical aspect, but also in the emotional part. There are risks that come with this. Some so extreme that they endanger the life of both the mother and the unborn baby.

The Virgin Mary in her infinite love and her immense goodness. She protects with her Holy Mantle all those pregnant women who seek protection and divine mercy. She hails this Powerful Prayer to the Virgin Mary for pregnant women. Protect this sweet wait! To remove any danger and allow the completion of the pregnancy to occur normally.

Blessed Virgin Mary

O wonderful woman of nobles

and strong feelings

mother of Jesus the son of God,

comforter of sorrows

and protector of all evils.

Santa you are and so my heart sees you.

Bless those who cry out and trust in you.

Today I come to your call, Powerful Queen,

so that in the same way

who gave birth to the King of Heaven,

spill health and wellness

to pregnant women

that they look forward to

the arrival of your new baby.

To know the creator of a life,

grants woman the joy of keeping alive

the human race here on earth.

They are significant changes

what goes through their bodies,

imperative sacrifices to be made.

But happiness is great to see in your

arms to the fruit of your being.

Today I earnestly ask,

protect all those women

that being pregnant and they love you more every day.

who seek in their hearts the same love that

you professed your son Jesus.

And may you strengthen them in faith

to feel safe in your arms.

It also allows their pregnancies

be calm and placid,

that the ailments caused

for this wonderful fact

be bearable to what

your body can resist.

It also allows your mind

and his spirit come closer to you,

so that your word calms them down

before the fears and fears.

Likewise, I strongly request

that the time of delivery is fast and safe,

and that neither of them can lose their lives

nor bear consequences for unexpected events.

Please let the light shine and shine

the moment of birth

so that your divine grace

shower them with peace.

Mighty Mother,

I implore mercy for those mothers

who are not in economic conditions

to cover the expenses of bringing a new being into this world,

shelter their souls and open doors of well-being

for the comfort of both.

Finally cover with your protective mantle

to all pregnant women,

that you dwell in their hearts and make them strong

to bring a baby into this world,

to become good mothers, just like you were.


The Virgin Mary protects pregnant women

The mother of God knows what the process of pregnancy is, the changes and the symptoms that this entails. She knows about the risks and the dangers, but she also knows about the divine grace that feels when giving birth to a child.

For this reason, the Virgin is a perfect friend to deliver your fears and put in her hands the happy outcome of a pregnancy. She recites this prayer daily and allows God and the Virgin fill the world with happy mothers.

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