Prayer for Before going to Work each day – May it be a Great Day – Faithful to God

Blessing your life with a prayer of this style will reinforce the energy to achieve your goals. Because that is what you need to have a life in harmony and peace with a meaning of purpose that you will only do if you work on what you love, start your day by mixing this prayer before going to work each day, receive all the blessings you deserve.

Always start your day with the glory and the great protection of a prayer like this, it will represent in you a mentality change that the truth is going to potential your results in a way that will motivate all the positive changes that you want.

Don’t assume that say a prayer It will take up a lot of your time, rather it will boost your self-esteem, motivation and massive action to achieve your personal goals, which will be to attract other people because of that change and aura so motivating that you will have.

Suggested prayer:

Prayer before going to work each day and accelerate positivity

cover you under Mantle of God the Father and Saint Joseph the Worker will allow you to yield more than you think in your day to day, pray this prayer every morning so that you can achieve and satisfy your goals at all times. personal goalsknowing that everything good and bad that happens in your life, starts from your mind, so this prayer before going to work every day is effective:

Oh Holy God and Protector, andthis day I would like

start it in a different way,

with a prayer that always makes a difference.

Thank you for this day of life

one more where I can prove my worth.

I can long to reach that big goal

that I have crossed out in my book,

sorry for being so ambitious,

but I know that you sent me to this world for a mission.

I want to honor you by doing the right thing and working hard,

investing my time in productive and positive things,

that allows the world a change for the better

and that personal objective that I have in mind favors many.

Fill me with energy, health, healthy relationships

and a meaning of purpose.

Personal purpose that I want to fulfill with your guide

and life mission you have for me.

Thank you for the opportunity to have a family and a life in harmony,

In addition to giving me one more opportunity, to work and keep working.

Oh my Beloved Creator, I also ask you for all the people around me

in my work area they are excellent people and deserve your protection as much as I do,

I don’t want to be the only one to have the glory of your blessing.

San jose worker, intercede for me, you who protect the helpless,

You are the one who watches over all the workers of the world,

your humility made you a Saint and allowed you a fabulous journey in the Christian church.

With your support, make everything you dream possible.

There’s nothing more I wish for because nothing else with only one day of life,

I already have everything, for with my actions do the best and protect

my whole environment in general. Dear Father, with the sign of the cross, I say to you.


Which Saint protects the workers on their way?

Every year the Christian church celebrates the festivities of this Saint, better known as . Undoubtedly the protector of the workers, this celebration was marked from the year 1955 by the Pope Pius XII.

He was listed as a humble person, hardworking and guardian of the unprotected. He was a believer of faith in God the Father and main caretaker of the Holy Family.

He did not skimp on protecting those who he saw defenseless with penalties in their work risk, that is why he was very loved and respected in the Christian religion to date, therefore, this prayer before going to work every day addressed to him, has great effectiveness and radical change in your life.

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