Powerful Prayer for Orphaned and Needy Children Help them! – Faithful to God

Ppowerful prayer for orphaned and needy children Help them! It motivates us to think about those homeless children; those who or father, the care of grandparents, the joy of sharing with a brother; For this reason, you always have to think about them, because they are children, innocent of everything and do not deserve to go through these situations.

Jesus gave a very important teaching while he was here on earth; he in his word said: “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for of such belongs the kingdom of heaven” Matthew 19:14. Therefore, something very precious to God is the life of children.

Prayer for orphaned and needy children

OMG, good and merciful father; your kindness transcends any known limits, therefore I beg you for the lives of the children; more for those in need, homeless, without family due to any circumstance.

Eternal God,

because of your mercy and kindness

I was able to enjoy love

of a family, and the warmth of a home.

For all that kindness

you have given me

I praise you every day.


sadness is in my heart

of those children who do not have it.

Blessed God,

I cry to you because only you have the power;

save the children from the streets.

Of the dangers that surround

and bad people

can be taken advantage of.

Wrap them up, O Holy One of Israel,

with the warmth of your love;

also my God.

Fill his soul with your

kindness and mercy

and find them a home

where they love them

I beg you beloved Father,

because they deserve to have

a joyful childhood.

They don’t deserve to stumble

no humiliation from anyone;

rather they deserve smiles,

hugs and love.

Rescue them, my God,

give them back their laughter and joy;

many of them have little brothers

and they must force themselves to work for them.

Despite being children

they have the responsibility

to take charge.

Blessed God, give them sustenance;

never miss people

who want the best for them.

They surely feel alone,

they will be crying from hunger or cold.

Therefore, give them

Hope my Lord

and above all, fill them with your love

because you are the best

father to them.

Also, my God,

I pray for the children

They are in orphanages.

But that in those places,

they receive mistreatment and humiliation;

have mercy on them.

good father,

touches the hearts of those in charge,

of the teachers who run those places;

fill your heart with filial love,

so that they are well educated.

Send, my Lord,

good people who want to adopt;

people so full of love.

want to share with children

who have never known

parental love.

Loving people, who

can educate them

on the right path;

and above all that they can teach them

on the path of your wisdom.

I ask you, good Father

that they can grow

according to your statutes.

Protect them from all sickness and evil;

above all, guide parents

for them to teach

their children and do not discriminate against them.

Blessed Jesus,

receive all praise, glory and adoration;

only you deserve to be exalted,

because your mercy is infinite

and they are renewed every morning.


you fight for your children;

you also take care of us from the evil one

and his hosts of wickedness,

You protect us as a lion watches over his pride.

I will praise you every day until the end;

You are God of peace, honor and glory.

For you all things were made,

and for you they will cease to be,

according to your will.

wonderful father,

I thank you for your kindnesses;

because I know you have heard my prayer;

and therefore it will be done

according to your holy will.


Children are the future and the promise of God

There’s nothing impossible for God; for this reason, our trust must always be placed in Him. In his word, love for children; therefore, he has always taught us that his kingdom will be for those who are like them. Because of this, we must perform this ppowerful prayer for orphaned and needy children Help them! Think of those children who do not have a home.

There are children who have suffered a lot, perhaps due to abandonment and mistreatment by their parents, perhaps because they never got to know their family. We must always ask for them, and, if it is within our reach, do something.

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