(How to preach a sermon with power). We all want to share and preach messages that show the power of our God and a word where the Spirit of God can do a transforming work in those who hear the preaching. An organized and well-supported Christian and biblical message can lose its impact if the one who teaches it does not know how to deliver the sermon correctly.

The first requirement to carry the Word of God well is precisely a good communion with him, because it is very difficult to say in public what he has not told us in secret…

For the rest, brothers, pray for us, so that the word of the Lord may spread and be glorified, just as it was among you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1
We will now study some fundamentals or advice that must be put into practice to preach a message with power:
1. It takes the power of God to preach a sermon with power.
Let us remember the words of the apostle Paul: “And neither my word nor my preaching was with persuasive words of human wisdom, but with demonstration of the Spirit and of power” 1 Cor. 2:4. We must seek the Lord’s backing in personal fellowship with him, his anointing, and boldness to expound his word. It is very difficult to talk about God without talking to him first.

The Word of the Lord is a message from heaven, it comes from God, that makes it supernatural, that is why we must seek the support and supernatural power of God. In the communion with God comes the revelation of the Spirit, this is very important not to preach our ideas or prejudices, but the will and truth of God.

two. Order to preach the sermon:
Let us remember that the same Scripture tells us that God is a God of order, this does not mean that we will put aside the work and direction of the Holy Spirit, but rather that we will try to honor precisely his direction.

This tells us to be organized in our outline and stick to it (because in our prayer time it is the message that God gave us). In this way we will avoid going through many ideas and concepts, which prevent us from leaving a clear and concise message in the audience. We will also allocate time appropriately.

(I invite you to read the topic: God brings the best for your life. ).

3. An appropriate dynamic.
A correct modulation in the voice is very important. If we yell, it will most likely be annoying, and if we speak too softly, no one will hear. The voice must be firm, pleasant, and maintain a correct speed (we must avoid speaking so fast that it is not understood, nor so slowly that the audience falls asleep).
The preacher’s face should express the joy of serving God, and confidence in the Lord’s power that transforms all situations. Well, the sad and bitter face is already a message. Gestures and the correct use of our body in the narration are very important, as it makes the teaching-learning experience dynamic and pleasant.
We hope that the book “Sermons to preach, Volume I” will be a study tool and help to preach the word of God (they are sermons duly outlined and enriched with reflections and comments from the historical, cultural and grammatical setting; that is why it can also be read as a devotional book). The book in electronic format can be purchased here at: Sermons to preach.
Four. Biblical teaching.
Let us remember that the Bible says: “All Scripture is inspired by God, and useful to teach, to reprove, to correct, to train in righteousness” 2 Tim. 3:16. Our message must have a good biblical foundation, that is, it must be enriched with passages from the Bible, since God has promised to bless and support his Word, and not ours.

Of course we must maintain a balance, because reading too many biblical texts and very long ones tire and numb the listeners. I invite you to read: Persevere, your miracle is near.

5. When preaching a sermon it must contain a challenge.
James by the Holy Spirit tells us: “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselvesJames 1:22.

Each message is a call to obey God and believe in His word, it is an invitation to follow His path trusting in His help and care. Each message preached is a challenge to change our lives and please the Lord.
Final reflection: Let us try to honor God and His word, first putting it into action, and then teaching it. Let us strive to serve our God with excellence, let us try to preach sermons with his power, he deserves the best.

(Written by Pastor Gonzalo Sanabria)
We invite you to read the following articles:

How to preach a sermon with power.

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