Sermons written to preach

18 Sermons written to preach:

1) The word of the Lord teaches us that Joseph, the son of the patriarch Jacob, had a supernatural support from God in his life. In such a way that there came a time when he, after Pharaoh, was the main ruler in Egypt, and he was the one who sold wheat to the whole world (Genesis 42:6). Joseph had become a man of authority and power, and Pharaoh had full confidence in him. In those moments his brothers appeared, and with them came sad and painful memories of the past… I invite you to read this sermon written to preach, here at: Healing for the broken heart.

two) Jacob had to face various difficulties in his life, and in times of crisis he sought God. For example, he built an altar to the Lord, a matter that demanded effort and work from him. An altar in the Bible represents worship and fellowship with God. then, we must recognize that communion with God demands of us a degree of commitment, since this is something that is not built overnight, nor is it the result of an accident… We invite you to read this sermon written to preach in: Delivered from anguish.

3) All of us face moments of difficulty or times of adversity, and almost by instinct of salvation we seek a plan that we must follow, all this to overcome the adversity that we are experiencing. This is how Isaac reacted, the word of God tells us in the Book of Genesis 26:1 that “there was a famine in the land” and he planned to move to the land of Egypt, as all the people did in those times. But, God in his kindness spoke to him, not only to warn him but to take him to the place of blessing… I invite you to read this sermon written to preach, here at: listening to the voice of God.

4) God powerfully blessed the house of Potiphar in Egypt because of Joseph, the Bible literally tells us: “But the Lord was with Joseph.” We must remember that Joseph had been despised and rejected by his brothers, his father Jacob thought he was dead, and Joseph was living in a foreign land far away from his family. but, he was not alone, God Himself was with him, and this is the most important thing. The Bible tells us that he “was a prosperous man”, that is, the supernatural hand of God was upon him and the blessing in his life and work was abundant and notorious… We invite you to read this sermon written to preach: supernatural prosperity.

5) The word of God teaches us that Esau and Jacob were twin brothers, they had grown up with the same parents and with the same education, but with their own ways of thinking. In fact, they thought differently about heavenly blessings and privileges. The Bible tells us that Esau sold his birthright for lentil stew, and when we reflect on his expressions we can identify the contempt and indifference in Esau’s heart for God’s privileges on this earth… I invite you to read this sermon written to preach whom: Esau sells his birthright.

Sermons written to preach by Pastor Gonzalo Sanabria.

We hope that these written sermons for preaching material composed of Christian sermons, studies, devotionals and outlines will be of use and blessing to the people of God. They are biblical studies that affirm the faith of the Christian and strengthen the spirit of the child of God.

Sermons written to preach – No. 6. We all have obstacles and giants to overcome. The best way to face the giants is with faith in the power and greatness of God. Quite often, the diversity of problems and their size generate fear, discouragement and exhaustion in human beings, and all of this ends up impeding the progress of the son of God.

However, the word of the Lord teaches us that the power of God is much greater than all the power of the enemy, and that the Lord is stronger than any giant that rises up against us… I invite you to read this entire sermon written to preach here: Victory over the giants.

Sermons written to preach – No. 7. The history of humanity teaches us through many examples the chaos and tragedy that a bad leader generates. All this produced by his insecurities and fears. The lack of character to persevere, to confront in love and righteousness, the absence of moral quality, low self-esteem, among many other things, is shown through a leader who manages him as a tyrant or with similar attitudes.

The Bible teaches us, for example, the case of King Saul, who exercised an incorrect government, precisely because of his difficulties and emotional emptiness. Sanity and stability in the heart of a leader is fundamental… I invite you to read this entire sermon written to preach here: The emotional security of a leader.

Sermons written to preach – No. 8. The Lord Jesus is Master par excellence. While he was here on earth, he took care of teaching, training and instructing his disciples, with patience he was an example for them, and corrected them again and again. God wants to teach us in every moment of our lives, and we are the ones who must be willing to learn.

Sometimes, it is problems that blind our vision, and we allow these situations to afflict our hearts, and this prevents us from seeing the work of God. The apostle Paul was for a time as a prisoner for serving the Lord, his attitude of faith teaches us the importance of trusting in God at all times… I invite you to read this entire sermon written to preach here: How to overcome problems.

Sermons written to preach – No. 9. After converting to faith in Jesus Christ the Lord, one of the great blessings that we can experience and enjoy is the reality of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Studying the person and work of the Holy Spirit of God must be a priority for every Christian, since he has been sent to carry out in each Christian a powerful, unique and supernatural work; That is why the word of God tells us that the Holy Spirit has been given to us so that we know the things that God has granted us, all of these because of the work of Christ on the cross of Calvary… I invite you to read this sermon in its entirety written to preach here: The doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

Sermons Written to Preach – No. 10. The word of God teaches us that Joseph, the son of Jacob, was left for dead by his father before the lies of his own children. Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave, he was then imprisoned in the prison of the king’s prisoners for some years, so that for his family, he no longer existed.

However, God had some powerful plans with him, and that is why in his perfect time, the Lord released him from that prison and placed him as the second lord in the Egyptian empire, after the pharaoh. Joseph was used by God to save thousands of people. All this reminds us and teaches us that God never neglects his children, sometimes it is difficult to understand the work of the Lord, but he does everything for our good… I invite you to read this entire sermon written to preach here: No matter who you are .

Sermons written to preach No. 11. Faced with certain crises in our lives, we fail to understand why we are rebellious against God, or why we hurt our loved ones, or why we cannot grow in the Lord.

Let us remember that although the people of Israel were the people of God, as we read in the Bible, many times their attitude before the Lord was unfaithful, their behavior was that of a pagan people, sometimes compared to Sodom and Gomorrah (Jeremiah 23:14 ), why was this happening? Because a sincere and genuine approach to Christ Jesus is fundamental, in which we allow the work of God transforming the interior of our heart… I invite you to read this entire sermon written to preach here: Inner healing.

Sermons written to preach by Pastor Gonzalo Sanabria.

I invite you to read: Jesus heals the bent woman.


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