(If you can’t read the full message, click on the title). Introduction: When we talk about plans, purposes and goals that we want to achieve, we must remember the words of the Lord to Israel at the time of the Babylonian captivity:

“For I know the thoughts that I think about you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you the end that you expect.”

God is good and His desire is that we be blessed in His will, when our steps take another path that is not His, it is not necessary to be a prophet to know that things will go wrong. When we give the advice of the Lord the first place we are blessed, because God’s plans are prefect and good…

1) Include God in everything you do.
Knowing the general will of God is not the same as walking in his specific will. Acts 16:6-7.

Note: The apostles were sent by the Holy Spirit to carry the word of God, from Antioch to different parts of the world. Jesus also said: “Go and make disciples of all nations”, then it was clear that they should go (That was the general will of God).

But the text read tells us that: “the Holy Spirit forbade them to preach in Asia… and did not allow them to go to Bithynia” (Mysia and Bithynia were regions of Turkey, Asia).

God would take his message to these regions and would do it through others and in another time (the apostle Paul had already been there), but now God is leading him to start the apostolic ministry in Europe.

two) Communion and sensitivity are fundamental to following God.
a) Paul was a man of communion with God.

Note: The same Scripture reveals to us that facet of Paul’s life (he was a man of communion with God). Prayer is an expression to heaven that evidences my dependence on the Lord. Today’s text teaches us Paul’s sensitivity, but also his obedience to the Lord (“the Holy Spirit forbade him” and “the Holy Spirit did not allow him”).

A time alone with God should not be an occasional thing, it should be a habit, a lifestyle. God says in his word tells us: “Seek me, and you will live”, we can then say that life in God is proportional to our search for him. The Lord is calling his church to grow in fellowship with him.

b) God lets himself be found by those who seek him, Acts 16:8-9.
Note 1: Through a vision, the Lord reveals to Paul the step to follow. In communion with God he will reveal to you the steps to follow. If this were not so important, God would not have sent the Holy Spirit from him. The Lord does not want independent, self-sufficient children, he wants children who develop spiritual maturity, who listen to the testimony of the Spirit, who hear the voice of their heavenly Father and do his will, producing joy in his heart.
Note 2: That is why the Father said of Jesus: “This is my beloved son, listen to him”, because he who hears the Father has the authority to be heard by others. God speaks to us in various ways: dreams, visions, his peace, his testimony, his word, and others. Listening to God is only the first part, because then we must put into practice what he has told us.

3) Beware of passivity.
a) As they walked God led them, Acts 16:10.
Note: They were not in the church of Antioch, they were in Troas (place, moment or circumstance of the vision), they had already advanced, they had already left, they did not remain waiting in a state of passivity and inactivity. God leads them to Macedonia, and they go out there. It is interesting that Macedonia means: high, great, kingdom.

We can conclude that when we seek to do God’s will, his kingdom is established on earth, and not our own desires. God leads us to achieve the great things that he has prepared for us. God’s plans are perfect and good.
b) Allow God to guide you and teach you.
Note: As we walk, God will make corrections, this implies willingness to be corrected, and perhaps abandon our plans at a given moment to follow his. Paul begins the conquest of a new territory, a new challenge, God was with him and powerfully supported him. God led him to the place of his destiny, brought him to the fulfillment of the heavenly purpose.
Conclusion: God has great plans with you, and He longs to guide you. Do you want to follow Him? Are you willing to accept corrections from him? He wants to bless you, he wants to lead you to the place of blessing that he has prepared for you. God’s plans are perfect and good.
(Written by Pastor Gonzalo Sanabria)

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