BERNABE – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

He sells his inheritance, Acts 4:36-37; brings Saul to the apostles, Act 9:26-27; sent to Antioch, Acts 11:22; brings Saul from Tarsus to Antioch, Acts 11:25-26; brings relief to Judea, Acts 11:27-30; accompanies Paul, Acts 13:1-14:28

Bernabé (gr. Barnabás or Barnábas). The exact form of Heb is not known. or from the aram. from which this name derives. Therefore, its meaning is uncertain: “son of consolation” (RVR, DHH) or “son of exhortation” (BJ). Nickname given to Joseph, a Cypriot Jew from the tribe of Levi (Act 4:36) and renowned Christian preacher. Described as a “good man and full of the Holy Spirit and faith” (11:24), he was the uncle (RSV) or cousin (BJ) of John Mark (Col 4:10). An ancient tradition places Bemabé among the 70 sent by Jesus (Luk 10:1). But Barnabas appears for the first time as one of those who sold his property and donated it to support the needy in the Jerusalem church (Act 4: 34-37). He then appears in connection with Paul’s visit to Jerusalem, some 3 years after his conversion (Gal. 1:18). On that occasion, Barnabas helped dispel the understandable fear and mistrust Christians felt for Paul, befriended the converted persecutor, and encouraged others to accept him (Acts 9:26, 27). When news of the advance of the gospel in Antioch in Syria reached the leaders of the Jerusalem church, they sent Barnabas to strengthen and expand the work there; he successfully added many converts to the church (Acts 11:20-24). As he felt the need for help in the face of the growing work, he traveled to Tarsus, sought out Paul and took him with him to Antioch (vs 25, 26); there they worked together for a year while the church grew stronger (v 26). About that time the great famine foretold by the prophet Agabus (v 28) occurred. It seems that the Christians in Judea were seriously affected, so the believers in Antioch raised money and entrusted Barnabas and Paul with delivering them to the leaders of the Jerusalem church (vs 29, 30). Having fulfilled that mission, they returned (Acts 12:25) and by divine direction were ordained as missionaries and “sent out by the Holy Spirit” (13:2-4) on what is generally known as Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey; They were accompanied by Juan Marcos, who had returned from Jerusalem with them. They left for Cyprus and continued on to the mainland. Juan Marcos discouraged by the vicissitudes of the mission, left them in Perge and returned to his home in Jerusalem (vs 5-13). Following their journey, Barnabas and Paul preached in some important cities of Asia Minor: Antioch of Pisidia (vs 14, 15), Iconium (14:1-6), Lystra (vs 8-18) and Derbe (vs 20, 21). . From there they returned the same way to Perge, then to the coast, where they took a ship to reach the starting point (vs 19-26). After a time in Antioch, Barnabas was given a mission to accompany Paul to Jerusalem, but this time to consult church leaders regarding the role of the requirements of the Mosaic law in the practice of the new Christian church ( 15:2). The matter was satisfactorily resolved (vs 4-21) so they returned, accompanied by other members, from the Jerusalem church with letters to the Antioch church (vs 22, 23). While another period of activities was going on in the city (vs 35), the simulation described on Gá. 2:11 and 12, and in which Barnabas, Peter and others participated. When Paul made plans for a 2nd missionary journey to the churches of Asia Minor, Barnabas was willing to accompany him (Acts 15:36) and suggested that they take John Mark with them; but Paul, remembering his earlier failure, did not accept the idea. After a serious dispute, both missionaries separated; Barnabas took Juan Marcos with him and sailed for Cyprus. At this place (vs 37-41) the book of Acts concludes the record of the Barnabas story, but Paul mentions it several times in his writings (1Co 9:6; Gal. 2:1, 9, 13; Col. 4:10).

Source: Evangelical Bible Dictionary

Aramaic, son of exhortation. This is how the apostles called Joseph, born in Cyprus, where he was a Levite, Acts 4, 36; John’s cousin, surnamed Mark, Col 4. 10. He was distinguished by his generosity and generosity, since he sold his field and gave the value to the apostles Acts 4, 37. Considered a prophet and teacher, Acts 13, 1. When Paul arrived to Jerusalem, after his conversion on the way to Damascus, he tried to join the apostles, but they feared him, believing him to be an impostor, but B. took him and presented him, telling them what had happened to Paul, his vocation and the courage with which he preached in the name of Jesus in Damascus, Acts 9, 26-30.

He was sent by the Church of Jerusalem to found the Church of Antioch Acts 11, 22; from here he went to Tarsus in search of Paul and took him to Antioch, Acts 11, 25-26. B. and Paul went to Jerusalem, from where they brought aid to the brothers of Judea, who suffered from hunger Acts 11, 27-30. B. and Paul returned to Antioch taking with them John, called Mark, Acts 12, 25.

From there B. left to accompany Paul on his first apostolic journey and they initially arrived in Cyprus and went to Asia Minor, a journey on which several churches were founded. From Athaliah they went again to Antioch Acts 13 and 14. When the controversy over circumcision arose in this Church, B. was sent, with Paul, to Jerusalem to consult with the apostles and presbyters on the matter, returning with a message in this regard, after which B. and Pablo chose to separate, since there was some disagreement between them, possibly due to the problem of common meals between Jewish and Gentile converts, Acts 15; Gal 2, 1-13.

Digital Bible Dictionary, Grupo C Service & Design Ltda., Colombia, 2003

Source: Digital Bible Dictionary

(gr., Barnabas, which in Act 4:36 means son of exhortation or consolation). The nickname of Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, who was one of the first converts to Christianity. He sold a field and gave the proceeds to help the poorest believers in Jerusalem (Acts 4:36ff.). He was a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and faith (Acts 11:24) and spoke for Paul before the church in Jerusalem (Acts 9:27).

The church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to the church in Antioch; later he brought Paul as his associate (Acts 11: 22-26). At the end of a year, the two men were sent to bring offerings from the fledgling church to believers in Jerusalem who were suffering from famine (Acts 11:27-30). Returning with John Mark from Jerusalem, they were ordained as missionaries and proceeded on a mission to the Gentiles (Acts 13:2-3). Barnabas, like Paul, is called an apostle (Acts 14:14). Together the two men worked in Cyprus, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe. Until Act 13:43, leadership is attributed to Barnabas; later, Pablo assumes the leadership. In Lystra, after a lame man was healed, the inhabitants worshiped Barnabas as Jupiter, and Paul, the main speaker, as Mercury (Acts 13:3—Acts 14:28). After their return to Antioch, the church sent them to the council in Jerusalem (Acts 15:2).

They were commissioned to carry the decrees of the council to the churches in Syria and Asia Minor (Acts 15:22-35).

In Gal 2:13 Paul hints at the beginning of a difference between the two men, when he says that Barnabas followed Peter in his inconsistent course. This was followed by a more serious separation when Paul, having suggested a second missionary journey, refused to take Barnabas’s cousin Mark on the ground that he had abandoned them on his first journey.

The two men parted ways. Barnabas followed Mark to Cyprus, and Paul to Asia Minor (Acts 15:36-41). The allusions to Barnabas in Paul’s letters show that he continued to hold his former companion in high regard (1Co 9:6; Gal 2:1, Gal 2:9, Gal 2:13; Col 4:10).

Some of the early church leaders attribute the authorship of Hebrews to Barnabas.

Source: Hispanic World Bible Dictionary

(See “Barnabas”).

Christian Bible Dictionary
Dr. J. Dominguez

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary

(Son of the prophecy that brings consolation). Name given by the apostles to †¢Joseph, a native Levite from †¢Cyprus. “A good man, and full of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 11:24), who sold a piece of land “and brought the price and laid it at the feet of the apostles” (Acts 4:36-37). He was one of the first converts to Christianity. When Paul was converted and came to Jerusalem the disciples “were afraid of him”, but B. took him and brought him to the apostles (Acts 9:26-27).

The Jerusalem church sent B. to ascertain what was happening in †¢Antioch. Seeing “the grace of God” operating in that church, he sought out Paul at Tarsus and brought him to Antioch. There they spent “a whole year with the church.” It was then that “the disciples were called Christians for the first time” (Acts 11:22-26). Foretold that a great famine was coming, the church in Antioch decided to collect an offering and send it to the brothers in Judea “by the hand of B. and Paul” (Acts 11:27-30). Chosen by the Holy Spirit, B. and Paul set out on the first missionary journey, setting out for Cyprus, where B. was a native, visiting various cities there (Acts 13:1-12). Then they went to †¢Asia Minor. In †¢Lystra they confused B. with †¢Jupiter (Acts 14:12-13).
a discussion arose with the Judaizers, Paul and B. were arranged to go up to Jerusalem where “they recounted all the things that God had done for them” (Acts 15:4). They then brought the letter from the Jerusalem church to the Gentile believers (Acts 15:25, Acts 15:35). Pablo then wanted to visit again the places where they had preached, but there was a disagreement with B., who wanted to take †¢Mark with them. Thus, Paul traveled with †¢Silas and B. went with Mark to Cyprus. From that moment B. disappears from the account of Acts, but on several occasions Paul mentions him in his epistles in a way that implies that he was known to the churches (1Co 9:6; Gal 2:1, Gal 2: 9, Gal 2:13; Col 4:10). A Christian tradition says that he died a martyr in Salamis in AD 61. Some think that the Epistle to the Hebrews is the work of B. There is an apocryphal writing entitled † œEpistle of Barnabas † († ¢ Apocryphal and pseudepigraphical of the NT, Books).

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary


vet, “son of consolation.” His name was Joseph, but the apostles gave him the nickname of Barnabas, “son of consolation”, or rather, “of exhortation”. He first appears when he sells his land and lays the price of it at the feet of the apostles (Acts 4:36, 37). When the disciples in Jerusalem showed fear about Paul, it was he who took him and brought him before the apostles (Acts 9:26, 27). When the Gentiles converted to Antioch it was Barnabas who was sent there from Jerusalem. He rejoiced in reality…

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