God shows you a different landscape

In those times when the path of life turns dark, God shows you a different landscape so that you can continue moving towards Him. The dry and difficult valleys will not last forever, rest assured that something better is coming for you, my friend.

I really like this promise because it gives me tremendous hope in our God who can do what seems impossible. The Bible says:

«Pines will grow instead of thorns and myrtle instead of nettles». Isaiah 55:13 NIV

When God says that instead of thorns and nettles, they will grow pines and myrtle trees, is telling you that if you feel that your life resembles a dry land that does not produce any healthy fruit, He will change the landscape.

On the other hand, thorns and nettles represent difficulties, problems, illnesses and everything that robs you of peace.

If until now you have believed that your situation will never change, you have to believe today this word that God gives you: He has the power to reverse the bad, the sad and the unpleasant into something good, happy and pleasant.

How God shows you a different landscape

—It will transform your life into a fertile land that produces all kinds of good deeds.

—Where there is pain now, He will bring healing and life…

—God will make love reborn where it seems dead…

—A new hope will be born when you thought everything was lost…

—The stagnant issues will begin to give results for the better…

“Everything that is uncomfortable and unpleasant now, the Lord it will turn into freshness, comfort and blessing.

This is a promise of God that is fulfilled in the lives of people who decide to turn to the Lord.

When you decide to seek God with a sincere heart, with need for change, He extends His hand of mercy to you and makes the landscape is different.

In the 55th chapter of Isaiah, the Lord is making an invitation so that you get closer to Him, that you seek him with the decision to make changes in your life habits.

God wants you to accept his love for you, he offers you food and strength with his Word.

Seek the LORD while you can find him; call him now, while he is near». Isaiah 55:6

God is willing and with his arms outstretched to meet you. The choice is yours. Dare to let yourself be guided and God will show you a different landscape, my friend.

Always remember that this invitation is valid while have life

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God bless you, dear friend,

Lydia E. Cames

Follow us on Instagram: @rainbowofpromises

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