Daily Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Thank you Jesus! – Faithful to God

The prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a prayer with which you will get protection each new dawnin which you can trust and with which you will know that nothing can touch your life and damage it as long as you have the infinite protection of the sacred heart of Jesus.

of the world are called to pray, every day this is the protection that God gives to his children. Taking care of your family and everyone the beings you love can be in your hands, ask each new day for them and see how everything in their lives begins to be much better.

Know the right path, avoid all the evil that can harm you in the complicated streets of the world, which every day is even more full of sin I gave. With the prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you will avoid all those evils that surround the world.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a daily protection prayer that should not be missingr in no home, with her we can find the care and guidance we need in our walk each new dawn. This is why we invite you to do it every day, so that you have the protection of the sacred heart of Jesus.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, in this new dawn

that begins I come to ask you for peace, momentum and wisdom,

that today I manage to look at the world with eyes full of love.

Teach me to be patient, humble, understanding, kind and gentle.

That each of the people who come to me,

feel your presence covers in me your great goodness,

and make me reflect you throughout this new day that begins.

Let everyone who is with me seek your presence, your love and your care.

Show me Lord, the path I must follow in this new day,

That it’s you through my eyes, that every word I say is yours,

I ask that all my thoughts be blessed by you.

I hope this day no one enters my life

comment full of envy or hate,

I wish that everything that comes close to me is blessed by you.

Thank you Jesus, for this new day

that I can open my eyes and see the world.

Thank you, Sacred Heart of Jesus, because I know that

my life is totally protected with you,

that there is nothing in the world that can

come to disturb my peace and my tranquility.

Keep away from me all those demons that come to me

life to damage it and bend my infinite faith in you,

Because I don’t trust and I won’t trust anyone but you.

I thank you for placing the daily bread on my table,

for taking care of me and everyone you know I love.

Lead them to you, Lord, and help those who today

they are on the wrong path to know you,

ask forgiveness for your sins and start living a pure and healthy life,

just as you have sent us to do.

In the name of God, today I thank you and praise you,

And I’ll do it for as long as I live

I stayed in this world blessed by you.


Daily prayer is our salvation

When we pray the daily prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our communion with God becomes much greater and strong, and thus we avoid the terrible demons that think to come into our lives to harm us. Although we find ourselves in a difficult situation, it is necessary for us to pray daily.

With the prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you can find peace and quiet in the midst of so much disorder that the world is today. Through prayer you can find your salvation and forgiveness of each of your sins.

Well the day of judgmentwho always trusted they will be forgiven and welcome to the kingdom of heaven, if you still do not pray daily, we invite you to pray to our creator every day. For you, for your family and for the world, having a merciful heart can only be achieved through prayer, so it is time to be worthy children of God.

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