Christian Prayer for Miraculous Healing for Health – Faithful to God

We thank Our Father for giving us life day by day. Praying we can find the firm as well as powerful promises, that we can count on a good God. That will help us trust at all times that He is always with us, so that we fall because great is his mercy. Making christian Prayer For Miraculous Healing For Health, It is the only medicine that can bring us back to life.

Because the words of God are life for us just like healing for our whole body. We can cry out to God so that He gives us the strength to continue crying out for the people who are sick, so that it is He who, with their help, can restore the much-needed health again.

Powerful Christian prayer for healing

trusting as well crying out to our father, with this powerful prayer for healing. You can help us give us the peace of mind we will need so that you have compassion for your children and can restore us to health.

Father God Almighty source of health as of consolation,

what have you said I am the one who gives you health,

we come to You at this time when illness,

we experience how fragile our bodies are.

Have mercy, Lord, on those who are without strength, restore them to health,

so that they stay healthy.

Make medical treatments effective.

Free them from the side effects of medicine.

Do what medicine can’t do.

Perform a miracle of your love granting them the health of the body,

peace in the soul so that you free them from all illness,

So they can regain their strength so that they can serve You,

as well as our brothers.

We ask it in the name of Jesus Christ

with the Virgin Mary our Mother,

praying in the power of the Holy Spirit.

To you who live and reign forever and ever.

Father I stand before You in my weakest moments,

because under the effects of the disease,

I have experienced how fragile my body is.

Have mercy on those who are terrified,

renew their health also give them strength to be healthy.

Make medicine treatments from doctors,

be totally caring.

Because you, Father, are the doctor par excellence,

knowing how to deal with this situation without the madness overflowing.

Manifest with a glorious blessing of your love,

grant them the health that their body demands,

the peace that your soul demands.

We ask this in the Holy name of your Son,

our Savior Jesus Christ.

With the intersection of the Virgin Mary,

praying with the Holy Spirit.

To You Lord who reigns both in heaven and on earth.

Eternal Father giver of peace as goodness of peace as strength,

Holy God faithful likewise true,

look at my brother who from the bottom of his heart,

he screams in desperation for an answer.

You are the God of Miracles who opens paths,

in the middle of the sea you also lift up the poor as needy.

We ask that your wonderful health fill life,

of the one who needs your holy blessing.

Of the one who at that moment is crying out for an answer.

Lord gives freedom, health, breaks the power of the enemy.

Get my brothers out of all confusion,

open the eyes of the children so that they turn to their parents,

likewise let all family divisions be undone.

Heal children who are suffering in hospitals.

Heal those who have any affliction,

who attempts against their lives, coming to have peace in their hearts.

Especially on this day we ask you to give us the strength,

straighten up so that you multiply the joy,

of this loved one.

Gives complete healing to your body.

Eternal Father at this time,

I ask you to be you taking all illness.

Likewise beloved Father,

be you who makes that person can be well again.

You know I don’t want to see anyone I love very much,


because I know that really,

He doesn’t feel well at all and he needs your presence.

Glorious Father of heaven,

today I ask you for healing,

whose illness depletes their strength as energy.

Make me recover body as well as my soul,

that the state of health returns to the most optimal,

as it was before, in your name so be it.


Why should we do Christian prayer to get healing?

Ours as eternal. Great is his kindness, when we ask to do Christian prayer for miraculous healing for health. Our Father is there so that we do not worry, since he will never abandon us.

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