7 Principles for Applying Wisdom in the Christian Life

The word of God calls for the discovery and fulfillment of wisdom in the Christian life. The word wisdom is found 250 times throughout the Bible, it is important to note that this phrase with great meaning and importance is relevant in the two testaments, both in the old and in the new.

God’s wisdom is a union of practical principles applicable to our daily lives.

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is an attribute of God’s character, which is based on knowing the true nature of visible and invisible things, and dealing with them faithfully and in due time. Wisdom in the Bible says:

“Nevertheless, we speak wisdom among those who have reached maturity; and wisdom, not of this age, nor of the princes of this age, who are perishing.” 1 Corinthians 2.6

Wisdom of God and wisdom of man

God’s wisdom is a union of practical principles applicable to our daily living, which Solomon called proverbs. Wisdom never works independently of the presence of God; for it is related to the purposes, designs, determinations, and operations of God.

What is a proverb?

It is a short saying that contains intelligence, wisdom that comes from God. It is a norm, a rule, a profound saying, a method, a guideline, a divine guide for daily living.

How can one conceive of the nature of wisdom?

To understand the nature of wisdom, we must first have a high understanding.

What is understanding?

It is the knowledge of the original purpose of a Thing, the purpose for which it was designed, the principles according to which it operates, and its function.

If you don’t know who you are in God, this means that you still don’t own yourself. Therefore, people who are not sure who they are are inclined to imitate the identity or personality of others. To do God’s will in your life, you must first know yourself, understand how and why you were created.

There are two types of wisdom:

The two types of wisdom affect the person within and originate from two opposite directions. Since they affect the spirit, character and behavior of people. “We must have a high understanding to know which of the two is the one that we must establish in our lives.

1.- Human wisdom

  • Earthly
  • Animal
  • devilish
  • Its attributes are:
  • bitter jealousy
  • Containment
  • From this bitter envy and dispute comes:
  • the disturbance
  • every evil deed
Eve saw and ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

This type of wisdom originated in Eden, at the time that Eve was deceived by satan. Eve saw and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which represents the wisdom that is outside of divine wisdom, this is an earthly, animal, and diabolical wisdom. A wisdom that hurts and destroys.

Since then this wisdom entered the heart of man. That is why he who has not entered into the new covenant of restitution with Christ does not have access to the wisdom of the kingdom of God. And he is still immersed in evil wisdom, which is guided by demons.

This is the wisdom that comes from the essence of God

2.-The wisdom of God

This is the wisdom that comes from the essence of God and is achieved through the commissioned administrator; the holy spirit. He who receives Jesus in his heart and is baptized has the key to the treasure of God’s wisdom, to the extent that he surrenders before God, under obedience, and with fear of God.

This one who becomes one with Christ will enter the levels of God’s wisdom, in each death of self, in each surrender of his areas, and will, gives way to the most important and true wisdom that leads to heights with Christ. Jesus. Our lord was the most complete example of wisdom.

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Essential principles for applying wisdom in the Christian life

Essential principles for applying wisdom in the Christian life

1.- purity

Knowing that the spirit of God is holy, an important principle in the life of the believer is to achieve purity of heart. Purifying the spirit, the soul is a direct demand from God. It is necessary to seek liberation from all iniquity, which does not allow one to be pure in heart and mind. Since being pure will affirm you in the wisdom from above.

2.- peacemaker

Being a peacemaker is one of the levers of wisdom from above. It is an essential principle in the kingdom of God, everyone who has a peaceful heart has understanding and this will lead him to know the wisdom of God in his life. A person with this beautiful attribute is a true child of God.

Kindness is one of the nine fruits of the spirit,

3.- Kindness

Kindness is one of the nine fruits of the spirit, the kindness of God in the heart of a believer gives him a unique and special grace, where the development of wisdom that comes from heaven in his life will be evident.

4.- Kindness

Benignity is only used this time in the New Testament, it comes from the Greek word eupeithes, (eu-pi-tes) this represents; easy to persuade, docile, easy to be persuaded. People who have wisdom in their life are not stubborn, incapable and inflexible people to surrender their will and ideas. The wise keep silent even if he is right, but avoid being foolish.

Believers who practice mercy are wise people,

5.- Mercy and good fruits

Believers who practice mercy are wise people, because they understand that mercy is reciprocal. Mercy and good fruits together as one entity form a supporting principle in great wisdom.


God has as its essence to be just, equitable and impartial. Demand from each believer this foundation in his life, wisdom is evident, visible and tangible when respect is practiced and lived when we direct ourselves with partiality, without being asthmatic, but spiritual so as not to defend anyone for emotions, but for the fruits of the spirit where wisdom is attributed to the one who is just.

7.- No hypocrisy

Nothing distinguishes and marks a person as effectively as hypocrisy. In any area of ​​life this is a dangerous trigger. Hypocrisy deceives and lacks understanding and evidently wisdom. Hypocrisy deceives only the hypocrite is foolish in all his ways and does not reach wisdom. Being wise teaches us to be sincere and true.

The spirit of wisdom was already before the creation of the universe,

origin of wisdom

The spirit of wisdom was already there before the creation of the universe, it already existed before God’s creative acts, and it was present when God created everything.

To know about the spirit of wisdom it is important to mention the seven spirit of God, being “wisdom one of its members”

Where do the 7 spirits come from?

The apostle John on the island of Patmos, when he received the revelation of Jesus Christ, presented us with the seven spirits of God (Revelation 1:4, 4:5, 5:6).

These seven spirits are represented by three aspects:

1.- the 7 horns (Revelation)

2.- the 7 lamps of fire that burn before the throne (Revelation 4:5)

3.- The 7 eyes (Revelation 5:6, Zechariah 3:9, 4:10)

It is important to make a relevant reference to these three representations, if these seven spirits are before the throne, and are sent by the earth. It takes us to a central point; It is the lamb (Jesus Christ) who has these 7 spirits.

Considering these facts, we must have a wide revelation, and understanding about the promises embodied in the book that contains divine wisdom; the Bible. In the word of God, it mentions that these spirits were sent to Earth and they emanate from the lamb. If you received Christ you have access. (In Isaiah 11:1,3)

The 7 Spirits of God

The 7 Spirits of God

1.- The spirit of the Lord (Jehovah)

2.-The spirit of wisdom

3.-The spirit of intelligence

4.-The spirit of advice

5.- The spirit of power

6.- The spirit of knowledge

7.- The spirit of fear of God

These seven spirits are attributed to the root: from Isaiah, a Branch, which we know to be Jesus Christ, these are the seven spirits that John testified to being before the throne, and sent to earth. And they are contained in the holy spirit, for everyone who believes in the promise of eternal life.

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