5 Powerful Prayers Against Witchcraft and all Evil that touches your Life | Faithful to God

If for some reason from one day to the next, you begin to have weird behaviors such as always getting up at the same time, or strange things happening to you that you cannot find an explanation for, it could be that you are a victim of witchcraft. For this, I am going to leave you these against witchcraft.

Powerful prayers to break witchcraft

When a person does witchcraft to another it is because they feel great envy or rage towards something that the other person has. This is why staying in prayer is ideal to ward off black magic. For this reason, we leave you these 5 powerful prayers against witchcraft.

Lord Jesus, today I draw near to you, beloved Father,

to confess that I felt a little strange,

So every day I woke up at

same time, sweaty and pensive.

So I have a suspicion that someone

who may be doing witchcraft work against,

my Christ, Jesus, that’s why I come to you,

so that in your name you rebuke these spells

about my body and my soul.

In this way, take these people away from me

who want to hurt me without really knowing me.

Well my life has been full of ups and downs

and You know it very well, Lord Father.

I also implore you to please send all your

angels from heaven to protect me and

my family, because I don’t want them to go through all this.

All this I beg you

in the name of Jesus,


Oh God, I know that you own the entire universe and that

your name is the most powerful in the world,

Therefore, I ask you for your great protection.

Well, I feel that I can be a victim of witchcraft,

because there are evil people to me

around who don’t want to see me succeed.

Therefore, they have resorted to witchcraft of magic

black against me in order to achieve

see myself defeated and in ruins.

Since they say I’m not worthy

Of all the blessings that I

you have given. because they need more

that I of your miracles and you have denied them.

Still, you and I know you’re smears

are lies. That’s why I ask you to please

rebuke this type of witchcraft against. Y

protect my mind and my soul.

I beg you in

the name of Christ.


Lord, I ask your permission to use your name, with

the objective of covering myself with Him and thus separating

from me all that curse, witchcraft or spells cast

by people with no heart and lack of faith in you.

In the same way, I beg you that his intentions

be returned. Well, they come from hell,

and that is where they should be, however,

I also ask you to forgive them.

Since, the little faith in you makes them

make mistakes that you will later regret.

All this I beg you in the name of

Jesus Christ,


Jehovah, at this moment I come to you to ask

that you please protect me, because I feel that my

body is not the same as before, because it is weak.

Likewise, my economy after it was in its

best moment declined, as well as my health, and I have the

feeling that someone is doing black witchcraft in

against me so that I end up in misery.

For this reason, I ask you to protect me with

your holy mantle and spills on me

body, your protective blood.


Lord Jesus, at this moment I ask you to

please cover me with your holy mantle and move away

from me those curses or spells that they want to do

against me.

Above all, those that make me do things

improper without my consent. That’s why I beg you

Please don’t let these spells

dominate my body and make me feel bad.

I ask this in the name of, God.


Which Saint is against witches?

in the culture catholic, there are different saints special for particular cases, in this case the saint to ward off the , who was a sorcerer in his time, that is why he is an expert in witchcraft.

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