Prayer of Saint Cipriano To Fight Against Malefic Spells and Witchcraft – Faithful to God

San Cipriano is well known in the religious world for being a great provider of great miracles, most of his miracles are to undo everything that has to do with witchcraft, spells as well as curses. For this reason many people faithful to him always raise a prayer of San Cipriano to fight against evil spells and witchcraft looking for release.

The prayers to San Cipriano are directed to ask for protection from the evil that other people want to do, that is tormenting you, also against curses that were made due to evil or envy, these prayers come with power and more when they are made to San Cipriano against spells and witchcraft.

The prayer to San Cipriano is powerful to fight against spells and witchcraft

He was a very just person as well as correct, these were the main reasons for being considered a servant of God. The prayer of San Cipriano to fight against evil spells and witchcraft The faith set in motion must also be done with a voice of command, so that they are heard at the highest level.

Beloved God,

Father just as good.

Your abode is full of glory,

We give all honor and glory to you.

Grant your servant San Cipriano,

power, from this moment,

answer this humble request,

as we meet.

In a complicated situation,

Therefore, we require your intervention.

Oh! Saint Cyprian,

We ask you with great concern,

since you are called Holy,

that you can break all witchcraft.

Also any Curse, spell or hex,

We address our prayers to you.

Waiting for your prompt reply,

we ask in this beautiful prayer.

May it be invoked by anyone,

so that you keep them away from the spells.

As well as enchantments, possessions,

spells as well as all witchcraft art.

You, in your great power, drive them away,

as well as deliver them from all this evil.

Therefore also in your daily life,

at your work also on the way home,

wherever he himself is,

so that it is you who intercede for your faithful.

For prayers to the Virgin Mary,

the mother of all angels.

Also for all good Saint that surrounds you,

We ask you to remove

Disappear all bonds of the enemy.

that all witchcraft,

made in the darkest night.

Dark as well as full of evil,

made with hatred by men,

also by women full of envy,

to harm your humble devotee.

Be detached as uprooted,

laid and tied with stones,

throwing them into the depths of the sea,

delivering your servant from all evil.

We also beg you, we also beg you,

curse all our enemies.

To all that contrary,

infamous besides wicked women,

deliver us from all evil,

that the night no matter how dark it is.

Have tranquility as a rest,

without disturbances that could affect,

my physical as well as mental tranquility.

For the Blessed Virgin Mary,

pure and holy in eternity,

we always raise these prayers,

as a sign of reverence also gratitude.

Hoping you can serve us,

let peace reign.

That peace that was mercilessly stolen,

when the bad man

wanted to harm your servant.

But you in your infinite mercy,

you made me calm,

than all witchcraft, curse or spell.

By powers of darkness,

engraved by metals or dead bones.

Of man, animal or night bird,

disappear by your power so I stay free,

thank you… oh! Saint Cyprian,

for hearing these prayers.

As for answering my pleas at all times,

giving me through our Lord.

That joy of being free,

in order to be filled with peace,

God Almighty,

great and good God.

Make this all go away

to return to my normal life,

that I can be at peace with myself,

as well as everyone around me.


Prayers against witchcraft hexes and spells are effective

As long as you ask San Cipriano with great faith to free you from a spell like witchcraft. He will quickly perform the miracle, since this Saint is recognized for removing any type of evil in this deep area, such as witchcraft. The prayer of San Cipriano to fight against evil spells and it gives us that security, that we are heard and very quickly we will be answered when we ask with faith.

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