Why did God choose Israel as the Chosen People?

Since ancient times, a lot of controversy arose about how the disobedience of man entered humanity into sin that led to a total destruction of his life. Therefore, this led to God allowing him to have a chosen people. In addition, to choose him as the apple of her eye; in her infinite mercy towards that people, and to be able to fight so much rebellion from the root. The Lord chose Israel as his chosen people. Certainly for the purpose of providing an undeserved and unattainable salvation through this people and their son Jesus Christ.

Why did God choose Israel as the chosen people?

In the first place, since the beginning of history, human beings have been going through certain events, such as the disobedience that marked all of life. Certainly of all the people; for which God chose a people called , to make him a people of special treasure.

Mainly, the Old Testament shows how the people of Israel were a sinful people, certainly with pride and rebellion in their hearts that led them to commit much sin and rebelled against God.

Honestly, in the old testament it tells you about the rebelliousness of this people and despite being a people as disobedient as the bible describes it in the book of Deuteronomy 31:27 it says why I know your rebellion and your obstinacy; behold, while I am still alive with you today, you have been rebellious against the Lord; how much more will they be after my death?

Also, if God is almighty, who knows everything and who searches the hearts of human beings, how could he choose Israel as his people? Precisely God, he already knew that this nation was so idolatrous and sinful and very rebellious. Why did God always have that privilege with that town calling her the apple of her eye?

Knowing the truth of the chosen people

The word of God teaches us that the Lord is sovereign in all his decisions, that he makes according to his will. Likewise, in order to understand the reasons why this people chose them, we will analyze this verse in Deuteronomy 7:7-8: The Lord did not put his love on you nor did he choose you because you were more numerous than other people, because you were the smallest of all peoples; but because the Lord loved them and kept the oath he swore to their fathers, the Lord brought them out with a mighty hand and redeemed them from the house of bondage at the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

Since, God took this nation as a chosen people for a reason. He had to fulfill the promise that he had given from the beginning to the patriarchs. Likewise, he describes it in the Bible in the book of Genesis 12:two And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

God, describes that his unique and insurmountable love forged that he chose this people; to show him that he loves them first for being the smallest town of all, and that only he does his perfect will. So much so, that he had to fulfill that oath that he made to his parents, because God is not a man to lie, nor a son of man to repent.

For this reason, the Lord had to take a people for himself. Knowing God of all the rebellion and idolatry of him. Although this israelite nation was chosen because God loved them, it is important to understand that the Lord Jesus Christ had to come through this people who would redeem humanity from its sins.

God’s love for his people

Finally, from ancient God chose Israel as the chosen people, certainly for the love of humanity.

We know better, that in God there is forgiveness for all our sins and salvation because; God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we are still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8). In addition, through Christ, we are part of the new covenant in which God promises to work in us so that we never turn away from him.

Let us live in humility before God. Let us pray that He grants us to feel the overwhelming greatness of his. His grace is totally sovereign. God’s love is eternal and therefore nothing can separate us from Him (Rom. 8:38-39). This is a powerful love that should move us to obedience.

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