Who was Lucifer? Know the Dark History of Lucifer – Faithful to God

Dear reader, since ancient times, there has always been talk of a diabolical spiritual entity, capable of influencing society, although mysteriously we are not able to investigate it, always admitting fear and due to the fear that speaking of this entity imparts, because we think that with only by naming it can it appear to us; due to our limited knowledge on the subject. Without realizing that at first it was not like that, because as the word describes it, that Lucifer was an angel of light, that’s why we always ask ourselves, what happened to Lucifer? then cKnow the story Who was Lucifer?

Know the story Who was Lucifer?

Before God created a star to shine, there was already a sky; the home of the Eternal, the only God. Perfect in wisdom, love and glory, in the creation of the Universe God was about to bring into existence the first rational creature. He would be a glorious angel, among all the most honored. Adorned by the brilliance of precious stones, that angel would live on Mount Zion, as a representative of the King of kings before the Universe.

With much love, the Creator began to mold to the firstborn of angels. All wisdom implanted when forming it, making it perfect and gave it life; to the beautiful angel, he opened his eyes and beheld the face of the Author of him.

Then, if he was the angel that God created perfect, With the highest rank to rule over all the angels, what happened to Lucifer to turn away from the light? Now, it would be that he was filled with pride and the extreme power and intelligence of him in the knowledge to rule over the angels, made him think, that he could also rule over his Creator. The desire to acquire power, to be equal to God, pushed him to rebel against him.

Such a reason, why had to be expelled from heaven, and taken to hell; losing his privileges and the position of head of the army of angels. Upon being cast out of heaven he dragged along a group of angels who had also revealed themselves in favor of rebellion against Almighty God; angels that are currently the demons and principalities that work for lucifer disturbing, tempting and stalking the children of God every day to condemn them to death.

The Bible describes for us the privileged state that Lucifer had and the reason for his fall: Your splendor has fallen into Sheol. How have you fallen from heaven, bright star, son of the Dawn? You said to yourself in your heart: I will climb the sky, above the stars of God I will raise my throne. I will ascend to the heights of the clouds, I will be equal to the Most High, Isaiah 14.

Lucifer was the most perfect angel created by God, filled him with wisdom and splendid beauty, his garments adorned with precious stones. As a protective cherub he formed him and placed him on the holy mountain of God, he was perfect in his ways, until iniquity appeared in him, filling him with violence and sin, for which the Creator discarded him, took away his beauty and splendor and I condemn him to hell in dark prisons awaiting the final judgment.

God created man for incorruption, and made him in the image of His own being. More because of the devil’s envy, death entered the world and is experienced by those who belong to him.

Divine Purpose.

Know the story Who was Lucifer? God created a perfect world and infinite wonders for a purpose. Always expecting obedience from creation from him, more because of arrogance and pride, we deviate from the correct and perfect path of the Lord.

it’s priceless the love that God has for all of us, so much so that he sent his only begotten son to earth to the Lord Jesus Christ to give his life, in order to give us salvation and not perish together with Lucifer (), we just have to strive to lead a clean and pure life in obedience to God. By accepting Christ into one of our hearts, he forgives us of all sins.

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