What prayer should be said after communion?

We call the time of prayer after Communion Thanksgiving. It is the most important moment, because Jesus is in our soul. Saint John of Ávila, Saint Ignatius of Loyola and Saint Luiz Gonzaga did Thanksgiving on their knees for a long time. Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi never wanted to interrupt her thanksgiving, she had to be forced to do so, so that she could eat a little. “The minutes that come after Communion – said the saint – are the most precious we have in our lives; the most appropriate on our part to understand ourselves with God and, on God’s part, to communicate his love to us.”

Jesus comes to us in the Eucharist, thirsty for love; but many times, we receive Him so badly! Many do not even do “thanksgiving” after Communion. We don’t even set aside ten minutes to “stay with the Lord” who comes to our home. We don’t even have time to receive the graces He wants to give us. Many, as soon as they take communion, leave the Church talking. Sometimes noisy music prevents our thanksgiving and we even forget that the Lord of glory “stays” in us.

After Communion it is necessary to “be with the Lord”, without rushing, in silence. But it seems that the devil snatches people away from the Church in a great hurry, so as not to do thanksgiving. At this moment, Heaven is present in our soul; and you have to live it. Saint Teresa said that “where the Majesty is, the entire Court is”. Together with the Angels and, in our souls, we gave thanks to the King. She also said that: “Jesus is a guest who pays very well for the good accommodation we offer him”, as He continues to tell us that “the fox has his you den, the birds of the air their nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”

Communion is the time to be with the Lord

Communion is the moment to “offer our heart”, so that the Lord may rest there. It is the privileged time to go to Him who calls us: “Come to me, all of you who are troubled and weary, and I will give you rest” (). It’s time to “be with the Lord”, without rushing. It is the time to “embrace Him”, worship Him; kiss His hands and feet, to satisfy His love for us, to make amends to His heart so offended by the sacrileges, offenses and indifference it receives.

It is the irresistible time to invoke His infinite mercy to forgive our sins, to save all the dying and sinners, and to suffocate the souls in purgatory with His Blood. Try to remember the names of your deceased loved ones and ask Jesus for the suffrage of their souls. It is time to ask Him for the needs of the Church, our Bishop, the Clergy, priestly and religious vocations, your family, your children, relatives, friends and everyone who has recommended themselves to your prayers. Try to remember all your
personal, family, professional problems, and ask the Lord for the solution to all of them.

It is the Lord’s privileged moment to heal our soul, to make the roots of the weeds, the capital vices (pride, greed, lust, gluttony, anger, envy, laziness) die within us. Show Jesus your most difficult sins to overcome. Invoke His precious Blood to free you from all evils of the body and soul. Ask the Lord
may it grant you the graces and blessings necessary for your conversion and salvation, as well as that of your family.

It is time to present to the Divine Doctor the wounds of our soul, our sadness, our sorrows. Finally, it is the “hour of grace”. Don’t let this precious time pass in vain. Unfortunately, we let it pass, because we are in a hurry for the things of the world. Our love for the world is still greater than our love for the Lord. But He is patient, and He will continue to “suffer in love” for us and wait for us.

Saint Thomas Aquinas left us a prayer after Communion:

“I give thanks, holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God, to You who, without any merit on my part, but as a result of Yours, deigned to satisfy me, being I a sinner and Your unworthy servant, with the adorable body and with the precious blood of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

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I ask that this Communion not be imputed to me as a fault worthy of punishment, but that it intercede effectively to obtain my forgiveness; be the armor of my faith and the shield of my good will; free me from my vices; erase my evil desires; mortify my lust; increase in me charity and patience, obedience and all virtues; serve me as a firm defense against the deceptions of all my enemies, both visible and invisible; serene and perfectly regulate all movements, both of my flesh and my spirit; unite me firmly with You, who are the only and true God; and be, finally, the happy consummation of my destiny.

Please, Lord, I beg you, to lead me, a sinner, to that ineffable feast where, with your Son and God, you are true light for your saints, full joy and eternal joy, the height of delight and happiness. perfect. By the same Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.”

Felipe Aquino

Professor Felipe Aquino is a widower, father of five children. On TV , he presents the program “Escola da Fé” and “Pergunte e Responderemos”, on Radio he presents the program “No Coração da Igreja”. On weekends he holds in-depth meetings throughout Brazil and abroad. He wrote 73 books on Catholic formation for publishers Cléofas, Loyola and. Teacher page: and Twitter:

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