What is our identity in Christ? Biblical meaning

We are God’s creation, therefore, even before we are born we have an identity that characterizes us as children of God and ambassadors in the name of Christ. And said identity remains in eternity.

At birth our parents give us a name that identifies us on this earth. But this is not our true identity because it is temporary. The one that God gives us is eternal and it is essential to discover it.

(John 1:12) It says: “But to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

We live trying to be who we think we are. But because of this we tend to take an identity that is not ours. And this is the cause of many negative feelings, frustrations and failures in many people’s lives.

To stop pretending to be someone that we really are not, we have to abide by the teachings that the Bible provides us, accept ourselves as sinners in search of forgiveness, accept Christ as our savior and proclaim ourselves as children of God.

(Romans 8:17 NIV) it says “If we are sons, we are also heirs; heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, if we suffer with him, that we may be glorified with him.”

This verse shows that we are heirs of God. Likewise, we inherit our own identity that blesses us for all eternity.

Why is it so important to know our identity?

We live day by day in a constant fight against the enemy. Here on earth we all have a purpose, and we must also fight to keep evil out of our way.

When the enemy realizes that we have no notion of our identity, it is when he takes the opportunity to attack us and fight so that we cannot recognize the identity that God gives us as his children.

As we mentioned earlier, this identity is given to us from our mother’s womb, and it is in turn connected to our personality. We are the way we are because God gives us a purpose too. To find that purpose we have to know ourselves and one option is to take a personality test in My Personality Test Website.

If you discover what your way of being and acting with others is like, you will be able to guide your path for good. Acknowledging your mistakes, your bad habits and your sins.

In Ephesians 5:1 Paul says, “Be imitators of God, then, as beloved children.”

And Christ taught us how God loves him, and loves us despite our acts of imperfection.

Finishing with this verse let’s analyze a little. (Philippians 3:20 NIV) Our citizenship is in heaven, from where we also await the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is important to recognize that identity comes as a right from God, and that is why we can call it dad. And that identity is what gives us strength, for that reason we must take care of it. Because at the moment we present ourselves before him, our true eternal name awaits us. Do not allow anyone to take it away from you, nor allow the enemy to separate you from eternal salvation.

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