What event marks the beginning of the Wikipedia religious wars?

How many years did the religious war last?

99 years ago, the Cristero War that took place between 1926 and 1929 ended, a period of intense battles between faithful of the Catholic Church and the Mexican Army.

What were the main conflicts of the Protestant Reformation?

In the sixteenth century there was a great crisis in the Catholic Church in Western Europe, due to numerous accusations of ecclesiastical corruption and lack of religious piety.

What are the religious wars and which ones took place in the time of Protestantism?

The French Wars of Religion were a series of civil conflicts that took place in the Kingdom of France during the second half of the 16th century. … In the first phase of the wars Protestantism was gaining strength among the nobility and in the cities.

What agreement put an end to the cristero rebellion?

The cristero rebellion against the Mexican State lasted from 1926 to 1929, and ended with an agreement between the Catholic hierarchy and the government of President Emilio Portes Gil, which allowed the reopening of the temples.

When did the Vietnam War start and when did it end?

The Vietnam War (or Second Indochina War, and called in Vietnam as the War of Resistance Against America), was a war conflict that took place between 1965 and 1975. It had as protagonists, on the one hand, the Republic of Vietnam or Vietnam of the South, and its ally the United States.

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