Frequently asked question: What was the point of view of President Plutarco Elías Calles on the problem of the Church?


What position did President Plutarco Elías Calles assume before the Church?

In February 1926, Plutarco Elías Calles had already ordered the closure of temples, the expulsion of foreign priests and the repression of expressions of faith in public spaces. In a critical situation, the Mexican Episcopate decided to suspend the cult after the entry into force of the law.

What was one of the actions that were carried out due to the law that Expidio streets in 1926?

All historians agree, as Mexicans did in their time: the suspension of public worship on July 31, 1926 by the Catholic Church to protest against the Calles Law that came into force, led the government to close the temples to make inventories now…

What is the law of the streets?

With this name was known the complementary law that articulated article 130 of the Mexican Constitution of 1917 that, among other restrictions, limited the “liberties” of the Catholic Church in Mexico.

Which president closed the churches?

Abstract: When talking about the “closing of the churches” it is common, and thus has been spread even in primary and secondary schools, the version that it was the President of the Republic, Plutarco Elías Calles (1924-1928), The one who issued the order to close them as a measure of pressure against the clergy to force them to …

What was the war between the Catholic Church and the government called?

The religious conflict known as the Cristero War would not be resolved until June 1929, as a result of negotiations between the Mexican government, the Mexican Catholic hierarchy and the Vatican; and from the United States through the letters of Ambassador Dwight Morrow.

What caused the suspension of cults?

The most important armed consequence occurred during the government of President Plutarco Elías Calles, also called the Maximum Chief, who, after complaints and disputes with the hierarchs of the Catholic Church, decided to suspend worship in July 1926, a fact that would anger several traditional segments of the…

What was one of the causes of the cristero rebellion?

The main cause of the Cristero War was the modification of the Criminal Code of 1926, carried out by the president, in what was called the Calles Law. With it, the aim was to further limit the participation of the Church in public life, increasing the power of the State over the constitution of the Mexican Church.

What did the church agree to at the end of this confrontation?

In mid-1929 an agreement put an end to this bloody confrontation. The Catholic Church agreed not to participate in the political life of the country and to recognize the authority of the government. In turn, he promised to return the occupied temples and allow the resumption of the cults.

What are the reform laws?

The Reform Laws were: The Juarez Law (November 23, 1855), the Lerdo Law (June 25, 1856), the Ecclesiastical Property Nationalization Law (June 12, 1859), the Civil Marriage Law (July 23 of 1859), Law of Creation of the Civil Registry (August 28) and the Law on the Freedom of Cults (4 of …

What does article 130 say?

Churches and other religious groups will be subject to the law. It corresponds exclusively to the Congress of the Union to legislate in matters of public worship and of churches and religious groups. … As citizens they will have the right to vote, but not to be voted for.

What is Maxim?

It is a period of government and politics in the history of Mexico that includes from 1928 to 1934, in which Emilio Portes Gil, Pascual Ortiz Rubio and Abelardo Rodríguez were presidents, culminating in the first year of the government of Lázaro Cárdenas de Río, when it is expelled from the country in 1936 Plutarco Elías Calles.

What was the maximato and who make it up?

Plutarco Elias Calles, President of Mexico from 1924 to 1928. He was nicknamed the Maximum Chief of the Revolution due to his influence on post-revolutionary Mexican politics.

What president who decreed the closure of religious schools and the expulsion of foreign priests?

The conflict reached its climax in 1926 when Calles promulgated the regulatory law of article 130 of the Constitution – to which his name was given – by which he expelled foreign priests from the country, reduced the number of priests in all states, ordered the Closing of Catholic schools and…

What was the end of the Cristero War?

The cristero rebellion against the Mexican State lasted from 1926 to 1929, and ended with an agreement between the Catholic hierarchy and the government of President Emilio Portes Gil, which allowed the reopening of the temples.

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