What does 388 mean (spiritual message and symbolism) –

Angel number 388 is a sign that your strong connection to the angelic and spiritual realms, as well as your prayers, positive affirmations, and expectations, have opened you to the flow of infinite abundance. Trust that you will have everything you want, need and deserve in whatever way is for your highest good. As with the law of “give and take,” when you have a lot, you have a lot to give. Be grateful for your blessings and share them with others.

Angel number 388 tells you that the Ascended Masters and your angels connect with your higher self and your inner wisdom to provide you with guidance, support and love along your path. Use your personal creativity in a constructive and productive way, and put your skills and talents to work to achieve your heart’s desires. Trust that you will find success in the endeavors you choose.

If you pursue your own ideals and enjoy what you do because that is how you choose to think, success will come to you in ways and abundance beyond your dreams.

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Spiritual message of angel number 388

The truth is a sign of angel number 388. The angels assure you one thing, to get ahead in life, prosper and be a person that everyone wants to be with, you must be a sincere and honest person.

If you have been in situations lately where you are surrounded by friends who keep saying things you don’t agree with, and because you want to keep them you have been practicing dishonesty quite frequently, the angels challenge you to be sincere and honest.

Tell the truth if you have an opinion about something, don’t accept being caught in a lie. When you do this, you will respect yourself more and those around you will love and trust you even more if they are appropriate for your life path.

Good character and good judgment is a symbol of angel number 388. Do not rush to make and form opinions about others. You are surrounded by unknown circumstances. If these situations are not what you had planned and they make you feel uncomfortable, don’t start judging the people you are involved with now because you will just feel uncomfortable.

Deal with your emotions and feelings and tell yourself that you will be diplomatic and go with the flow. Express your criteria when requested; Otherwise, learn to reserve your comments.

Angel number 388 signals for you to exercise freedom and independence. Don’t be so afraid of what people constantly think about you. The world is for the living. Go out more often than you have been going out. Go out and meet new people. Travel and see the world.

Angel number 388 asks you to learn to have a very honest opinion, but do this with grace and eloquence. The angels assure you that when you begin to live a life of freedom, you begin to see the world in a different light.

Angel number 388 is assuring you that when it comes to life, you take it as it comes. Don’t be so critical and always learn to give your opinions with love and respect. Always maintain your integrity in everything you do.

Numerology of the number 388

Number 388 is a combination of the vibrations and energies of number 3 and the attributes of number 8 appearing twice, amplifying their influences.

Number 3

Number 3 relates to growth, expansion and the principles of growth, self-expression and self-confidence, creativity, joy and optimism. Number 3 also resonates with the vibrations of the Ascended Masters.

Number 8

Number 8 adds its energies of personal power and authority, inner wisdom and self-confidence, business acumen, truth, discernment and good judgment, manifesting freedom and material abundance, reliability and self-confidence. The number 8 is also the number of Karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma (Cause and Effect).

More about angelic numerology here

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